1 trillion USD,by any count,is huge.
(If I start spending 1 million USD,roughly Rs 4.4 crores,everyday for the next 2000 years,I would be able to spend only three quarters of a trillion dollar!On the macro level,we have already seen that the US,which has almost half a billion population and the world's largest economy,needed only about 1 trillion dollar infusion,in the shape of TARP, to check the downward spiral of its economy).
Now, Mr Pranab Mukherjee,the Indian Finance Minister,has just announced that the Central Government in New Delhi would invest 1 trillion dollars in the NE India's infrastructure,mainly roads and communications!
And,Mr Mukherjee chose 23rd of July,which is a hugely momentous day for Manipur, to make the announcement!!He did it on purpose to send out the message that this 1 trillion dollar is the direct response to Gilgit Batistan.
If one puts 1 trillion dollars justaposed to NE India,everybody would be initially assailed by the sense of disbelief and then,finally,blown away by a shock wave.To prevent this,Mr Pranab Mukherjee visited Washington 3 weeks ago and publicly announced the Indian Government's invitation for 1 trillion USD investment for India's infrastructure.Even then,when 1 trillion USD was put justaposed to the infrastructure of the whole of India,there was that sense of disbelief.Who would bring in that kind of money for India's infrastructure?
Three weeks later Secretary of State,Ms Hillary Clinton came to India and after some days of her departure,Mr Pranab Mukherjee announced that that 1 trillion dollars is meant for only NE India and half of that money(ie,500 billion dollars) would come from private sector.If this 'private sector'do not mean US Government-fronted US companies,asking 500 billion dollars as private funding for NE India from anywhere in the globe would only invite smirks and ridicules.So, is this the case of Secretary Clinton giving the go ahead to Minister Mukherjee?
Let's move back in one week's time.There we would find that US sudenly suspending US aids to Pakistan.Then,came the arrest of Mr Syed Ghulam Nabi Fai by FBI.These two events make us stand up and ask:Is US ditching Pakistan as a strategic ally?More pertinently,can US make both Pakistan and India as strategic allies?
To answer this question,we have to go back to the time when the Tamil separatists in Sri Lanka was inflicted a crushing military defeat.Amidst the dust and din of that short war there stood out one significant news:Pakistan supplied military hardware to the Lankan military for the war and there were senior Pakistani military officer 'advising' its Lankan counterpart on the ground.Pakistani strategic thinkers were then betting on a very significant scenario:if they helped the Sri Lankan military in bringing about a crushing military to the LTTE,then the Tamil separatists would have no other options but to shift their base to Tamil Nadu state of India.If one can add Tamil Nadu to the same league as that NE and Kashmir,we would have a vastly altered strategic scenario in the IOndian sub-continent.
In other words,there are very active strategic thinkers in the vicinity of the Indian nation who are betting on the implosion of the Indian nation.
(Did Secretary Clinton get the intel that the shift of base LTTE had already happened?Is this reason why she ditched Bangalore and Mumbai and landed in Chennai to talk pluralism and Sri Lanka?Is this the message she wanted to send out--'Tamils of the world,don't go for the implosion of India'?)
Now,we return to our question:Can US make both Pakistan and India as her strategic allies?The answer is no because Pakistan is going full steam for the implosion of India.US may not much care for the implosion of India per se but it desperately need (a non-imploded)India as a solid counterweight to china.
With US putting 500 billion dollars on the table and with Al Qaeda being pushed into a corner and with the still deeloping Arab Spring in hand,it is now certain that US has just made a historic change in its foreign policy priority--Islamic terrorism comes down to the second place with the containment of China moving up the no 1 slot(with the ripple effect of ditching Pakistan as a strategic ally).
India and US has just committed to jointly and equally spent 1 trillion USD in our homeground to start the containment of China(or,in other words,to start the prevention of implosion of India).We are being sucked into the world of multi-faceted American and Indian strategy of containment of china.
Having come this far,it's now easy to conclude:for both India and US it's worth more than a trillion dollar to contain China.
Now,in our home ground,we have at hand a poignant scenario:on one the hand,there are Indian operatives moving so unobtrusively(so succesful in preventing shock waves to all concerned) and,on the other hand,there is one aging leader fron Somdal,who is so thick skinned not to sense all these world shaking changes taking place around him.
Unknown to our leader from Somdal and lay citizenry of Nagaland,'Nagalim'is a sure recipe for the spark for the implosion of the Indian nation.(My old posts on the home page of this blog).
Now,it's my turn to admit this:it makes me suddenly weary to say this--the definitive battleline of the 21st century is being drawn right under our own nose.
And,it runs directly in the middle of this tiny valley of ours.
By now,it's clear that there is something fishy about Mr Pranab Mukherjee and the 1 trillion USD.
I think I need to elaborate on the context in which I wrote the original post.
I was nursing a cold on the 24th.From early morning onwards,I simply switched on the radio and tried to get some rest(staring at the computer screen gave me headache).
During the discussion on the headlines of Imphal dailies on 7.30 am news bulletin on AIR imphal,1 trillion USD was laready mentioned along with the 200 million USD as road development project from ADB.
I was stunned at the mention of the 1 trillion USD.
On the FM channel of AIR Imphal,1 trillion USD was mentioned all throughout the news headlines of the day.
Now,cut to night.
I was preparing supper with the radio still playing.There came Samachar Sandhya and it mentioned the 1 trillion USD.Then, the News at Nine--1 trillion USD was still there.
By now,I was totally intrigued.
But,as I was stunned by the magnitude of the money involved,I had in mind to check the veracity of the news on the Web the next morning.
As I was thinking like this,there came Spotlight.They featured a discussion on the 1 trillion USD investment in NE.The discussants were Mr Vir Bhadra Singh,the former Governor and one Sharma,a senior journalist.
After hearing out the discussion,I could not wait for next morning.I quickly ate my supper and wrote the original post.
I was excited at the idea of beating the establishe media,which I throughly expected,would be all splattered by the news next morning.
Now,how come the news was blanked out in all news channels?
we are presented with two scenarios here:
1)The wise men and women of the editorial offices of media house across India were quick to see through the 1 trillion dollar crap(pun intended) of Mr Pranab Mukherjee.
OK.It's fine.
But if they were quick to come that position,why didn't they expose the crap fo the number two man in UPA2,who is virtually the deputy prime minister?
Besides the normal duty of exposing such craps,I think there are sizable body within the media fraternity who would be in glee to get the golden chance of going after Mr Mukherjee for his faux pas and demanding axing him from the government.
That did not happen.
2)The second scenario is that the ruling class in New Delhi quitely sounded out the 'heads' of the media houses(through back channel)not to publish the news."Our NATIONAL INTEREST is at stake",they might might have said in persuading the media houses not to publish the news(so as to make it a Manipur-only news--Manipuri dailies did publish it).
This may seem to be an extreme viewpoint.
But we have to remember two things here:
---when confronted with the matters of NATIONAL INTERST(like NE) there is no Indian journalist,no Indian politician,no Inidan businessman,no Indian diplomat,no Indian intellectual--they are just a monolithic Bharatya bloc.
---All thses are possible because India is a young nation-only 66 years old.
The Indian politicians can still harness the energies(is it patriotism?) spewed out at the formative moment of the nation.
Personally,I'll put my money on the second scenario.
If we are to accept the second scenario and we re-read this update together with the original post,it would be crystal clear that the sole objective of '1 trillion USD' is to send out threats to Manipuri society.They are saying--if Manipuri society dares to bank on China for its course of action,we will rope in US and together,we would be more than a match for China.They are saying--beware,we are willing to sink as much as 1 trillion USD.
The ruling class in New Delhi is threatening the Manipuri society.
Coming as an update,this might seem to be an afterthought.But it is not.I thought of incorporating this in my original post but I decided that it would make the post too long and make to lose its focus.
Let's make a list:
I always think that there is some underlying bond amongst these countries.They seem to send out one common identifying characteristic.
What might be that characteristic?
I've been trying to find that answer for so many years.Do all of these countries exhibit the 'middle kingdom' syndrome?Is it the identifying characteristic of these countires?
Even if we have to accept it as true,still a question remains to be settled--"what about the original 'middle kingdomness' and Mandarinate"?
I think the differntiating factor here is the Great Helmsman,Mao Ze Dong(whom even the skeptical Henry Kissinger was forced to ackwoledged as a 'philosopher'!).Mao Ze Dong administerd a crucial shock therapy to the Chinese society.And the Chinese changed(and still is changing).
Thus 'shock therapied' and changing China is more likely to gel with USA(than with Iran,France or India).The reason is that USA is basically a country steeped in Anglo-Saxon tradition which is getting the succour from the timeless Magna Carta.
US and China would have immense compettion betweenthe two of them but still be complementary to each other.Their competition would be characterized by resource and goodwill hunting in Africa and Latin America,cutting-edge cyber wars and the race to space(like the mining of the Moon).But at the end of the day,they would still be complementary to each other.
In contrast,India is a country which is actively exporting casteism all throughout the globe.It is fashionable for every Indian to denounce the Caste System but when they come back to their homes they would gleefully experience casteism in action in the interactions with their 'naukars'.There is 180 degrees differnce between what are known as domestic helps,maids,nannies or baby sitters and what the Indian call the naukars.The relation between the naukars and their Indian master is still acutely medieval and racist.
Unknown to the educated,forward-looking and modern Indians,casteim is firmly etched in their sub-conscious--unconsciously,they are practising casteim in all small things of their daily chores.
Two countries,one so steeped in Casteism and the other,enlightened by the tiemless Magan Carta,have zero common ground to work together.Incidence of the moment,like the containment of China,would be a too fleeting factor to bring any long term comraderie between the two.
In this contexr,it is quite safe to say that USA will desert India at the crucial juncture,when India is beginning to face the make or break moment as the rebellions in its rims start getting critical mass.
This is better be the last update of this post.
(How come so many updates keep popping up in my head!!)
I should be brief.
Would the combined stregth of the ruling classes of New Delhi and Washington dare to spend 1 trillion USD here?Would they dare?
In the eventuality when they start looking beyond cooking up empty threats and looking to walk the talk,they would trample upon a subtle subtext.
The SUBTEXT:If New Delhi and co actually start spending such huge money here,it would send out a loud and clear message to all concerned:"The centripetal force in New Delhi is getting nervous and becoming shaky"
So,the above 'all concerned' would most likely to think like this--"As the centripetal force is becoming shaky,we should better be ready for our own footings,our own futures".
Would they dare to spend 1 trillion USD here?
(One prominent civil society organisation called for the reliving of 4th of August rally marking the protest of extension of ceasefire inside Manipur and then,here is a bomb blast all of a sudden,killing 5 innocent people.It's the direct result of letting assault rifles carrying men and women take the law into their hands and of drilling into the Naga minds that Manipuri society is the cause of the failure of the decade old peace talk.This is the direct result of the rule of casteist and racist minds.The rest of the world,especially the US,would be getting to know all such sordid scheme of things hatched by the casteist and racist Indian minds and India would be a pariah in due course of time).
Personally,I can't wait to see if they dare to spend 1 trillion USD here.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
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