Saturday, February 27, 2016

The inter-continental missiles and the siege within

This particular American missile test was codenamed 'Glory Trip 218'.

As was done in my last post,another way of looking at the numbers 2,1 and 8 is yet another 13(21-8).

In my last post,we talked of the French soldiers coming to New Delhi and literaly flashing the number 13 to the land of Paubi Lai.But this time,the inter-continental ballistic missile test had happened in the distant America and so,it would be far-fetched to say that they were also flashing the number,13 to the land of Paubi Lai for the second time.But the series of events in the last 13 days(!) has been forcing us to say that it's not that far-fetched.

1) On the 13th day of this month,I had published my last post which specifically said that the killing of the ten Indian soldiers in the Siachin glacier was an act of war and so,there would be retaliation from India.

2) The very next day,New Delhi summoned the US ambassador to India and officially objected to the sale of eight F-16s to Pakistan.So,it's easy to deduct that the said retaliation would come in the form of airpower.

3) One day later,on the 16th,china installed surface-to-air missiles on one of the disputed islands in the South China Sea.Again,it's easy to see the meaning--if you were to use airpower,we have surface-to-air missiles.

4) Then came the testing of the Minuteman 3 ICBMs on a Monday(22nd) and yet another one two days later.Again,it's easy to see that the testing of two already operational ICBMs within the space of a week is absolutely abnormal..Somthing fishy was going on there in the US.

5) On the same Monday,Chinese foreign minster's official visit to the US was cancelled.

6) Both the ICBM test were preceded by two mass shootings--one in Michigan and other,in Texas.It makes me squirmed talking about those mass shooting in the US--they have more casualties from mass shootings than those out of real combat actions by their military during the last three decades.Personally,I can understand the position of a very powerful constituent within the US society which say that owning a gun is within the domain of personal right and the government should never try to infringe on that sacrosanct right.But,if there are so many guns available,mass shootings are also inevitable.This is obviously a dilemma ,which even brought tears to President Obama,live on TV.

It would be heartless to talk so non-challantly about these mass shootings but we have been forced to study them dispaasionately because they are being used by one mysteriously constituent withn the US Society to reveal itself to the world.I have a post entitled 'Two constituents--discovered at the same time,in two different continents.'Besides giving the link to that post,the explosive situation of today(as hinted by the ICBMs) demands a lengthy quote from that post:

"My mind was stunned by this dramatic quetion--

Does the USA have a constituent within its society which is willing to fight for a system more akin to the Chinese form of governance?

Immediately,the imageries of the 'occupy Wall Street' agitations flashed back in my mind.Those agitations might have been the first manisfestation of this 

constituent within the US society.

But,now,why should it smeared itself with the taints ofchurch mayhems,which are clearly related with White Supremism?

The answer lies in the rise of the Hindu Spuremism in our part of the world.The constituent within the US wants to highligh to the world ever-louder war drums of the Hindu Supremism and Nazism.Why?It should be easy to note that it would face hard times to make itself grown up into something capable of tilting the scale in its favor,given that it has to work under constant surveilance of super-efficient agencies,like the FBI and NSA.So,it would need all the help from outside.

Would that help be forthcoming depends upon the outcome of the fight against Hindu Supremism and Nazism here in our part of the world."

7) On the weekend preceding 'missile Monday',the Lt Gen,commanding the Eastern Command of India's military,was in Imphal.Doing what? Watching polo! I have a post entitled 'The coming of the Americans' which talked of how Americans have diplomatically used the very visible game of Polo.This time also another quote from the post is needed.

"That the agitators in Churachandpur had chosen 1st to 5th Feb as the first leg of their ptogramme of agitation should act as an eye-opener for everybody.

It even prods us to ask this question--

'What will happen on the 21st of January 2016?'.

Of course,the missing link between the above statement and the question is the Americans.We have to remember that there is a pattern breaking event in Imphal on the 21st of January,mainly inspired by the Americans.

In my humble opinion,what we are seeing is the starting point heralding the call of the West to its supporters in Manipur to come out openly and challenge the constituent within the Manipuri society espousing the formation of an anti-West coalition".

If we carefully read (6) and (7) together,it's inescapable to deduct that they are jointly targetting one or more constituents within the majority valley society.To what end? To execute a siege within the valley society,just like the siege executed by those mass shootings in the US society.

Now,we have four tangible:

a) The killing of ten Indian soldiers in Siachin.

b) American air power and missiles.

c) Chinese air defense system.

d) One or more constituents within the valley society colluding with the West.

The co-relations amongst the four tangible would shape the nature of the coming retaliation from India.It's still a big jigsaw puzzle.I,for one,would be keeping my eyes wide open!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

The softpower and the real,fighting soldier.

As an aspiring writer,Im in a mood to try out the power of my imagination!

The first foreign troop participated in any 26th January parade is French.Exactly 76 French soldiers took part part in India's Republic Day parade at Rajpath in New Delhi.

Another way of looking at the numbers 7 and 6 is 13.

See how I use my power of imagination to come to the number 13!

Today is 13th of Feb and we are again reminded that there are 9 bodies in Churachandpur still uncremated.These uncremated 9 bodies is the unnerving manisfestation of India's soft power.It needs no efforts to understand why the 9 are still kept uncremated.Outwardly it is everything to do with the three bills passed by the Manipur Legislative Assembly recently.But the ultimate gameplan is the bringing forth of a separate administration for a specific ethnic community in the south of Manipur.Egged on by the soft power of India this particular ethnic community clearly understand that the three bills,which have absolutely no anti-tribal clauses,are merely the jumping ground for their coveted separate administration.

We have to read this together with Alternative Arrangement--yet another name for a separate adminstration for the North of Manipur,that too,for a particular ethnic community.This version of the separate administration is the decades-long agenda of this particular ethnic group,which,more recently,has been egged on by the soft power of India,which,lest we forget,is the same force aiming to form 'Akhand Bharat',comprising the whole Afghanistan,Nepal,Burma,etc.Although we tend to see these 'separate administration' movements as standalone local issues,the same force which has benn egging on them have clear geo-political facet,threatening,in the process,several countries,like China.So,it may even be wise to deduct that these countries,including China,may be keeping a tab on these seemingly local movements here.

The emerging picture clearly tells us of a Balkanized Manipur.

It's ominous that the number 13 is sought to be linked with the Balkanization of Manipur.Is there a French connection?

Here,it's worth while to note that Paris is the only capital city of the world,besides New Delhi,which took all the trouble of hosting exhibition of Paubi Lai.We may say that Paris,with all the museums and art collections,would nanturally interest in hosting an exhibition of artworks of ethnic origin.But somethng tells me that there is something more than that.

The only two development projects in Manipur,funded by foreign governmnts are the Imphal Sewage Project and Sericulture Project.The Sericulture Project was started with a lot of hope with the funds from Japan.Encountering the trademark redtape and corruption the Japanese had fled Manipur after completing the first phase of the Project.No amount of cajoling have failed to bring the Japanese back for the further phases of the Project.

Like the Japanese,the French would have encountered the same trademark redtapism and corruption.But the French seems to be deploying extraordinary patience in funding the Imphal Sewage Project.It's a common knowledge how the Imphal Sewage Project is faring.Isn't it 10 years they had used up but still the Project is uncomplete!?But the French are still persisting in funding it.Can we sense something in this extraordinary French persistence?

I know all the above can be dismissed as a pure rant of a blogger,with a tinge of a conspiracy theory!

But I'm fairly confident to say that the recent developments that point to the number 13 are not the figments of my imagination.Rather,they are dramatic development,delivering the proverbial jolts to us.

1) on the 6th of Feb,Imphal witnessed a huge rally to ward off the attack of the 'alternative arrangement'.To battle a softpower offensive,such rallies are the sufficient weapons.But we should not be complacent--we should keep exploring newer type of weapons.

2) At this juncture,we hardly notice a crucial development.Three days before the rally in Imphal,10 Indian soldiers were killed in Sichin due to an avalanche.Siachin is a glacier and avalanches are quite normal there.Casualities suffered on account of such avalanches are also quite normal and so we did not attach any particualr importance to the one,which killed 10 Indian soldiers.

3) But something funny happened 6 days later.On that,amongt the 10 soldiers buried by the avalanche,was reportedly found alive.Media blitz told us that the soldier was brought to New Delhi by an air amibulance.He was reportedly kept under round the clock surveilanhce by a team of specialist doctors,both military and civil.The President,the Prime Minister,the Defence Minister,among other highest dignitaries visited the soldier,who was reportedly in a coma.

4) The catchword here is the number 6.The soldier was reportedly found alive 6 days after the avalanche,ie the 3rd of Feb.That comes to the 8th of Feb,which was also the day,29 years ago,on which the armed wing of a particular rebel group of Manipur was raised.Even upto this point of the development, we cannot deduct any far-reaching conclusion.All these might be just another coincidence.

5) We started to get suspicious when it slowly dawned on us that not a single newsman physically documented the comatose condition,medical facilities delevered or even a casual appearance of the soldier during the crucial days starting 8th of Feb.So,it slowly dawned on us that the whole Indian political and military classes had conspired to fake the entire story of the soldier.To what end?To connect the avalanche to that particular rebel group of Manipur(hinting at the emergence of a new type of warfare) and the uncremated 9 bodies in Chrachandpur.

6) Also with Churandpur?They made the 2 rebel groups represented by the ethnic community of Churandpur to convened a formal meeting for themselves on the 7th of Feb,which,in turn,convened yet another general meeting for all those spearheading the Churachandpur agitation.On the meeting of 9th Feb,it is apparent that the rebels had bulldozed the general public to agree to cremate the 9 bodies on the 13th of Feb.To make the story short,they had utilized the date immediately preceding and following the 8th of Feb(see how they so despearately tried to highlight the date, 8th of Feb!) to rake up the issue of 9 uncremated bodies.Their goal is to highlight the date,the 8th of Feb--they are not bothered about cremating the bodies.

Having come this far,we can be sure of one thing--there will be retaliation from India.They would target to kill 10 or more soldiers.They may be rebel soldiers of Manipur or the soldiers of the People's Liberation Army of China(assuming that the chinese are in constant watch for the conmtinuing play of Indian softpower in Northern and Southern part of Manipur).

If that ever came true,the long tussle inside Manipur deploying softpower is going to claim the lives of real,fighting soldiers(assuming that the 10 soldiers dead in Siachin is the case of softpower checkmated with yet another 'softpower with blood'and all the above deductions of mine are to be read together with this first-of-its-kind offensive in the history of human warfare).

Monday, February 01, 2016

These deafening silence make me edgy.

I'm totally surprised by the deafening silence emanated from Churachandpur side.As announced earlier by the agitators there should have been a blockade along the National Highways in Manipur from the 1st to 5th of February(my last post).

My last post started with this line--

"That the agitators in Churachandpur had chosen 1st to 5th Feb as the first leg of their ptogramme of agitation should act as an eye-opener for everybody".

So,if we read this deafening silence together with the first line of my last post,it is appropriate to state that some constituents within the Manipuri society are afraid of this eye-opener.

If we can have a glimpse of these constituents,we would be truly enlightened.Are these constituents mainly concentrated within the hill districts of Manipur?Or do they have their counterparts within the valley districts as well?

Even as I'm groping in the dark in trying to map out the probable contours of these constituents,another deafening silence does not fail to assail me.This time it's the deafening silence emanated from within the power corridors of Manipur.Isn't it a little unusual for the Chief Manister of Manipur to maintain a complete silence regarding the consttruction of a temporary market shed for those women vendors pushed out to the streets by the recent earthquake?It's to be seen in the backdrop of how the Chief Minister had made a personal mark in organizing a daring market construction along a strip of street,that too,within days of the earthquake.After some squabble with a political novice,the Chief Minister have mysteriously been keeping a complete silence.

To me,it's intrigueing.Many questions have already started invading my mind.

Has those same constituents (who are afraid of the above eye-opener) started exerting their influence over the Chief Minister to make him maintain a complete silence over the temporary market shed?

I know it's a little outlandish,even a paranoid,question.But if we go a little deeper into the issue of construction of temporary market,we will begin to understand why it's a must to ask this question.Without the construction of the temporary market shed,the Ima Market would remain dysfunctional.In other words,the epicentre of Manipur's social and political movements would remain dysfunctional.In this sense,we are under attack at the very core of our social and political life.

Who are the attackers?

In trying to answer this question,we need to put all our data into the right perspective.Like,has the constituents of our interest been already lulled into believing that a dysfunctional Ima Keithel means an agitation-free Manipur? From there,it would be easy to feed the insidous propaganda that an agitation-free Manipur would usher in a peaceful and developing society.The key words are 'peace' and 'development'.If there are sproutings of enough constituents (to gain critical mass in the downslide of the society) who are lulled into equating a dysfunctional Ima Keithel with 'peace' and 'development',then our society is truly encircled.It only needs an occassional parading of Muivah and co to remind them of their state of encirclement so that Manipuri society slavishly falls into the line dictated by the 'attackers'.This would,in turn,results in total containment and subjugation of Manipuri society.Of course,these keywords give us a hint in identifying the attackers to our social and political life.

So,is it the case of the constituents of our interest not able to differentiate propaganda from information?

In trying to give a finishing touch to my observation,it's reasonable to see Manipuri society containing some constituents who want to lead it but still continually fed with propaganda from some sophisticated power centres.This throws up the possibility of the existence some competing constituents who go by hard data in trying to lead Manipuri society.

So,who are those constituents continually fed with propaganda? And,who are those competing with hard data at hand?

Who's who? where is the true picture?

At this juncture,I'm totally excited in finding the 23rd July 2009 shooting in the news.The present situation demands that I add a lenghty quote from my 2009 post--

"But the line-'the true picture would emerge'-is extremely intriguing.

Of course, I have a theory!!

It's a foregone conclusion that Tehelka has neither the will nor the
resouce to get the phtographas and accompanying story by itself. So?
Well,let's put in a negative sense. If it were not something to do with
the rebel groups,there would already be claims staking laurels for
facilitating the Tehelka group to carry the story and the photos.

So the facilitator comes from the eco-system of the rebels.Let's call
the rebel group throwing up the facilitator as 'x'.

Now, there was a tumult here following the publishing of the
photographs. It's not hard to imagine all of the active cadres of the
bountiful rebel groups were all participants as the agitators in the

Here, one extremely significant development comes up. All of the cadres
who are not of the group 'x'would have participated in the agitations
with the deep feelings in their hearts that their groups' leaders were
not capable of producing the Tehelka feat. 'X' group is giving the lead
and they are following--they would have surely conscious of this fact.

Now, consider the public's likely impression. Around 23rd of July, the
group 'x' got hold of the photos and they managed to plug any leak of
the existence of them,even when the State Assembly was in session.
Now, the photos reached Delhi and the Parliament was also in session.
Here again, they managed to persuade Tehelka to carry the story and the
photos,still plugging any leak. Delhi's ruling would be very hungry for
such a leak!

Manipur State Assembly's session ended with the end of July. Still no
leaks. The Chief Minister was to lead the state delegation to meet the
officials of the Planning commission on the 2nd August. The news of the
photos was carried by the cable news in the evening of 1st of August,
thus giving the Chief Minister only the night of 1st August to react to
the development. Only when he reahed Delhi did he relaized the gravity
of the situation.

It's the masterstroke of a strategic execution.

The public is impressed by this masterstroke. And, the rebel cadres
have to admit to themselves that they are following group 'x'.

Then,isn't it the case the group 'x' getting the mandate from the

So, the scenario line should run like this--'the true picture(of the
public giving the mandate to the group 'x' and all the other groups
following the lead the group 'x') would emerge'."

So,after 7 years are we going to have the clear picture of who's who of constituents within Manipuri society who are aspiring to lead it?

Besides acting as source for this clear picture,it may even be a warning to the 'attackers'(who are targetting the very core of our social and political life).Again,I'm forced to quote from a 2009 post--

"I got the news from Poknapham dated 13th of August.

The news is about china wanting to break up "Great Indian Federation".

I google the 3 words and this link comes up first in the search result list.

The article was written by Zhan Lue and published in the on the 8th August 09.

What's striking is that it was published on the 8th.

The photos of murder of an arrested person was published by Tehelka datelined 9th of August.It's usual for online edition to appear before the dateline.

In my mind,there seems to be a plan in bringing out the two publications almost simutaneously.

Is the same player producing the masterstroke of a strategic execution(my last post) also the inspiration behind the publication of the chinese viewpoint?

I cannot help asking this question."

So many things happened during the intervening seven years and all these sure make me edgy.