Sunday, June 18, 2017

Taunting the 18th of June.

This year's 18th June celebration is a pattern-breaking affair.

Normally,even while working inside my rooms,I had been bombarded with the loud publicity runs of the coming celebration,at least,one week ahead of the day.

This time,while still working inside my rooms,I heard a grand total of two feeble attempts to call out the public to attend the celebration by using the public address system.

As the pattern-breaking publicity runs of this year's 18th June celebration started  showing its ugly appearance,another even uglier face also began casting its ghastly shadow to the public of Manipur--the face of road accidents and unexplained deaths.

Any light reading of the newspapers to the run-up to the 18th June celebration would notice the unusual spike in road accidents and unexplained deaths.

But road accidents and the 18th of June celevration?

In normal times,it would be a folly to try to read a pattern co-relating road accidents and the 18th of June celebration.

But ours is not the normal time.We are living experiencing crucial moments in the history of our society.To make this point clear,I'm reproducing some portion of my post,entitled "May 27(updated).


Just at this point of time,an idea struck me.Sort of eureka moment.

It is something to do with the main body of this post.

The sole focus of the main body of this post is the mysterious telephone call made by the US president,Mr Donald Trump on the 27th of March to the Indian prime minister,Mr Narendra Modi.The 27th of March 2017 also saw an equally mysterious accidents along both Imphal-Dimapur and Imphal-Jiribam national highways,which claimed 23 innocent lives.

Suppose some agents of the US president added some chemicals to the foods the drivers ate at the start of the journey(just like the villaneous woman in my screenplay did).The monstrous war industry in the US sure have that kind of chemical which induce extreme drowsiness or momentary loss of consciousness after a stipulated tmeframe,say,within some hours in our case.The unsuspecting drivers ingested the chemicals added to their foods and when the chemicals became active after the stipulted timeframe,they lost control of buses and lorry and drove off the road into deep mountainous gorges below.


Naturally,this question comes to me.

Are the same agents of the West who engineered the series of road accidents along the highways murdering 23 innocent people behind the seemingly unimportant road accidents to the run up to the 18th of June celebration?

It was quite evident that they were not attempting to disrupt the 18th of June celebration.But,in my humble opinion,attempts were made to taunt the most recent historic moment of our society,namely,the 18th of June 2001.

With this weighty thoughts in my mind,I decided to get a feel of the day.So,I made it a point to walk to Kekrupat,the place where the celebration was held.I started out some minutes past 2 pm.The moment I stepped out to the street,I began to notice the diference.In past 18th of June celebrations,Keisampat was always a hub of public transport vehicles and it always saw the chaotic scenes of people trying to jump out of the vehicles when they came for the celebration in the morning and people clamouring to get into the vehicles in the afternoon when they try to grab seats for homeward journey.I distinctly remember that 2 pm was the time around which people saarted to reach the assigned parking hubs(like Keisampat) for their return journey.The usual sight was that of the clouds of anxiety in the faces of women and children in not finding space inside the buses and other assorted vehicles.In sharp contrast,I was greeted with sharp stillness as I stepped  out to the streets.

Then,I reached Keisampat bridge.In the past,there was always a police barrier there,forcefully restricting vehicular entry beyond the barrier towards Nityapat Chuthek.This afternoon there was no police barrier.

Evidently,the police was not expecting any crowd.No crowd on a 18th of June?!How come police seem to have a prior information that there would not a sizable crowd on this 18th of June!

Then,I reached Nityapat Chuthek traffic point.There I was greeted with a major,major spectacle!

Deserted streets! On a 18th of June celebration day!!

As I was looking to walk towards the Western Gate of Kangla I was startled by the major spectacle of deserted looks on both the streets forking out of the traffic point--one travelling towards the Chief Minister's bungalow and the other,towards the Western Gate of Kangla.

Even on a normal day,it's always a hassle in crossing the streets towards Kangla moat.This afternoon there was no such hassle.Crossing the streets.I started walking on the foothpath along the Kangla moat towards the Western Gate of Kangla.

I reached the Western Gate of Kangla.Still the streets were all deserted.I noticed only a handful of people were trying to get entry pass to visit Kangla.As I looked towards the BT Road,I was again greeted with empty sight of this usually bustling street.

Then,I noticed the small police picket stationed on the side of the street in front of the GM Hall.Even at this hour of the day,they seemed to be out of place,in that,they were pressed into duty to manage a non-exiestent crowd.Some among the young faces seemed to be a little confused,if not bewildered,on finding deserted streets all aroumnd them.Were they still yearning for a huge crowd?

Unlike them,I was not searching for a crowd.I was venturing out to get a feel of the day.On most of the past 18th June celebrations days,I did the same thing of getting a feel of the days.On my previous forays,I did not find any deserted streets.On this particular day,if I find deserted streets all around me,I should truthfully absorb the feel of the deserted streets.

But,when I reached the DM College gate and still finding deserted streets,I was a little bewildered.Unconsciuosly.I quickened my pace.In no time,I reached the traffic point of the of North AOC.All I noticed were policemen all around the streets forking out of the traffic point.

As I approached the main gate of the celebration venue,I came face to face with only a trickle people in their twos and threes leaving the palce.I did not enter the gate.Remember I was only intersted in getting the feel of the day!

Instead,I walked pass the main gate along the foothpath leading towards another gate on the banks of the river Imphal.As I was approaching the gate,I encountered groups of policemen leaving the gate and walking towards me.One group quickly walked passing me.When another group was passing me,I asked them about the status of the celebration.Out came the quick reply--'They are about to wrap up the celebration'.

I was stunned.It must be barely 2.30 in the afternoon.In the past celebrations,the organizers were always strugglling to wrap up the function even while the dusk set in--normally,the organizers could not find adequate time for all those eager to participate in the function.

Immediately.I turned backed and started walking backed home.

As I walked back,it was clear in my mind that some faceless and sinister forces were taunting the 18th of June.

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