Thursday, January 28, 2021

Nongmaijing chingoirol : : Nongpok Leihouching.

 A) Literal sense

Description of Nongmaijing hill ranges--the hill ranges situate on the Eastern side and it is the place where civilization begins.

B) Prophetic sense,

A time will come when the Nongmaijing is encircled or being laid siege upon it.

When that happens,the following two things will come about.

1) Nongpok is Nong + Pok

(a) 'Na' is ear.

(b) 'No' is ear in an enclosed space or a specific or individualized ear.

(c) The essence of a specific ear is the sound which are mostly specific to that enclosed space.

(d) The essence of sound,specific or otherwise,is wave.

(e) So,'No' denotes wave.

(f) As was discussed in the serial '3' of my post "Meitrabak and Kangleipak",dated 25th June 2020,'Nong' becomes either living waves or a number of waves or multiple waves.

(g) The common usages are "Nomba" Which denotes doing an act which is likely to produce waves.Here,the 'M' is used to denote 'matter',which,in turn,signifies some sort of 'materialization' of waves.The other term is "nokpa' which is something that creates waves on the face.The use of 'K' is explained below.(The term 'Nong',meaning 'rain' or 'rainfall',thus implying 'sky',comes forth when analyzed from the angle of 'Na' being an appendage).

2) Pok

(a) 'Pa' is eyelash.

(b) 'po' is 'pa' in an enclosed space or individualized eyelash,meaning group of eyelash ocurring on an eyelid.

Here,we need to go to my monograph.In it,I am successful in illustrating,with the a help of a diagram,how making an oscillation happened inside an enclosed space ie 'Ko' is 'head' or 'Kok'.It is difficult to reproduce that portion here in this blog.Please stay tuned for my monograph.

While writing that portion in my monograph,I became scared of being sounding like a chauvinist when I deducted that oscillation in an enclosed space might denote '0' and '1'.In other words,that oscillation may be deducted to denote the 'On' and 'Off' state.This startling deduction surely points to the number crunching apparatus--"kok'.

From that deduction,'Pok' is making the 'Po' oscillate.

3) Lei + Hou + ching.

(a) 'Lei' is tongue,which denotes the act of making utterances intelligible--in other words,the intelligence itself.It can also denote the epitome of the act of expansion.

(b) As was discussed in my next to last post,'Hou' denotes the prime candidate for designing the winning strategy(last and next to last posts).

(c) 'Chi' is motion.Then,'Ching' becomes in state of constant motion.Symbolically,in a state of exercising great effort.

Now,let's go the prophesy itself.

(4) In its bare minimum state,it states--

--When the Nongmaijing is being encircled,there would emerge a group of candidates who are capable of designing a winning strategy and upon its very emergence,they would face a situation which is characterized by waves and oscillation,

5) Continuing the discussion on 'Pok',its function is to protect the eyeball by intercepting the incoming dirt by making the eyelash oscillate.Reading this together with 'Nong',we can visualize a situation where we time this oscillation with those oscillations of the waves.

In other words,oscillating the 'Pa' is suspended when we are at trough of the wave and escalate it when we are at the crest.

This would mean three things--timing,accuracy and patience.

So,the emerging candidates would face a situation which requires patience,timely response and being accurate.

6) To be successful in intercepting the incoming target,one needs to constantly suveil their area of operation,just like a radar does.

From this angle,the situation also requires being vigilant at all hours.

7) The waves,in themselves, are constant in their positions but they can carry messages across distances.Just like a wave does,the candidates must remain constant in their places but be able to send out effective messages across the length and breadth of the land.In other words,they should avoid limelight but remain in constant touch with the heartbeats of the common people and also should be able to send effective messages to them.

8) Like those oscillation of the 'Po',the candidates should be able to live in a condition of constant oscillation.

9) Elsewhere in my monograph,I'm also successful in illustrating,with the help of a diagram,that in our scheme of oscillation,the number 6 is closely involved.

To feel the importance of the number 6, we can discuss some of our present practices.

--In every ritual,we arrange all the ingredients in sevens.This is an elegant way of saying that all rituals are waste in time and effort and resource.

--In the same vein,when we  say 7 salais, it is diplomatically hinted that all the Salais need to be abolished to bring about unity of the Meiteis.

In the above context,I have this gut feeling that 'Nongpok Leihouching' is also closely connected with the number 6.

I'm not fully satisfied with today's decoding of the prophesy--this is a work in progress stuff.

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