Friday, January 21, 2022

Our Architects to James Webb Telescope---'Here is the exact pathway'.

 (This post should be read together with my last post).

It is not the domain of sublime philosophical discussion.

We are experiencing it in our daily life.

In every point of our life we are constantly 'seeing' and then,deciding,whether it is of 'Pakpa' case or 'Paktaba' narrative.

We constantly 'see' 'Pakpa' together with person(s)+time+mood.

Now,the intriguing question comes up---

"Can we see 'Pakpa' independent of persons(s)+time+moods?"

Coming upto this point,anybody can pop up this sublime question---

"Are we living in a 'P(a)K(a)' matrix?"

"Is our universe a 'P(a)K(a)' matrix?"

Now,let us revisit our 'Mangtaak' (my post,"Will James Webb Telescope 'see' our 'aphoula' and 'Ayaangkok?",dated 6th Jan 2022)

From this 'Mangtaak',I can extract two more equations.

One equation deals with the value of 'P(a)'.It is a simple equation involving only 6 logical steps.The final form is as follows:

P(a) = 1/wavelenght of colour green.----(1)

The other equation deals with the value of K(a).It is also a simple equation involving only 5 logical steps.The final form is as follows:

K(a) = mean wavelength of the the narrowest bands of the colour spectrum minus red and violet.----(2).

After getting these important values,another intriguing question comes up---

" Is the point just at the cusp of Singularity(according to our Architects we should not seek the Singularity in itself as our primordial sound 'Am' symbolizes near infinity--this is discussed in my post,'Yet another challenge',dated 8th Jan2022) denotes the values of P(a) and K(a) approaching zero"?

In trying to answer this question,we are immediately confronted with another question---

"Are Singularity and the Multiverse the same P(a)K(a) but in different values"?

But is it possible to find a state where the values of P(a) and K(a) are zero?

In trying to answer this question,we must re-visit the concept of 'Siyayo'.It is found in my post,'Siyayo'.dated the 6th Aug 2021.

In that post,we discuss the principle of our Architects' 'Siyayo' which states it situates at the point of intersection of the lines representing 'Thawai Ma-nga' and 'Mi+Thawai Ma-nga'.

Incidentally,our equation(1) involves 6 logical steps and equation(2),5.

So,our point just at the cusp of Singularity must situate at the point of intersection of equations (1) and (2).

I think it is exactly this point which the James Webb Telescope is trying to 'see'.

Thus,our Architects points out the exact pathway that should be taken by the James Webb Telescope.

PS: I am not concealing the equations together with their logical steps.Im in the throes of devising a 'nice' way of bringing them to the public domain.

Saturday, January 08, 2022

This time,our Architects want to collaborate with James Webb Telescope!

 Awakened by my 'Mangtaak'(my next to last post),we can now understand that our word for forehead,LAIPAK,is actually an equation.

In this blog,we have all along been saying that 'Lai' is the flesh and blood edition of 'La'---the expanse.

Thus,in the context of Astronomy,'Lai' becomes 'the expanse'that is observable by man-made device(like,the James Webb Telescope).

So,our LAIPAK,the equation, tells us that the extent of the expanse that is observable by the man-made device is defined by the value obtained from the interaction of 'p(a)' and 'k(a)'.

The very first glimpse of this equation tells us it is a profound one.Thus,lesser mortals ,like this blogger,cannot hope to go near it trying to analyze it with any authentic logical sequences.

A multi-disciplinary team of mathematicians, physicians and astronomers should study this equation.

The best this blogger can do is to paraphrase the equation.

--The extent of the expanse which can be observed by a man-made device is defined by the value obtained from the interaction of 'Institutionalizing Energy' and 'Balancing Energy'--.

The sole reason for publishing this equation is derived from my thinking that it would be irresponsible for me to keep this restrained in my private domain.I think that I am dutybound to publish it so that everybody can start applying their mind to this profound equation.

Yet another challenge!

 This post is the continuation of the story of my 'Mangtaak'( My last post).

From it,we derive an equation:

    Lei = Ahum

    or, Lei/Hu = Am

As we are dealing with a solution involving a division problem,it is logical to convert the divisor as well as the dividend into the same class of object.

Thus,if 'Lei' is 'knowledge',then, 'Hu' should be 'a strategy with a single attribute'.

Then,the quotient must be 'infinite number(of objects).

Thus,the equation is as follows:

    'An infinite number(of objects) = Am.-----(1).

Postponing the further interpretation of equation (1) further,we need to revisit my last post.In it,we have discussed that putting 'Malem Leisha' on our forehead symbloizes the formation of habitable planets in our multiverse.

Reading the equation (1) in the above context,we come face to face a rather sweeping statement from our Architects---there are infinite numbers of habitable planets in our multiverse.

Will the time ever come when we can prove this sweeping statement?

Now,we have to read the equation (1) to enable us to obtain corollary finding.

The equation says that our primordial sound,'Am' is the symbol of 'near infinity'.

It is interesting here to note that they are not saying that 'Am' symbolizes 'infinity'---but 'near infinity'.

What is the meaning of this?

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Will James Webb Telescope 'see' our 'Aphoula' and 'Ayaangkok''?

 For 'Aphoula' and 'Ayaangkok',please see my post, entitled 'Our 'NUYA' leads to our Multiverse',dated the 3rd Sepemtember,2021. 

I am really sorry to start this post with a story from my personal space.I am being forced to do this.The reason is that I cannot find the starting cue for this story if I do not tell a tiny piece of what had happened to my personal space during the past one week or so.

Some ten days back,I was really happy to learn that it was truly a momentous moment to connect with our ancient 'Ou-kili'.Yes,I am able to decipher the word by word meaning of 'Ou-kili'.

This exercise led me to go further into the interpretation of the 'L(a)'.So far,we have been discussing 'L(a)' with positive connotation.All of a sudden,I asked myself if we can find some words with negative connotation.Only two words came to my mind--'Louwai' and 'Lairaba'.

I tried every available pathways to come to terms with the above words.

More than that, further complication cropped up.

'Louwai' is closely connected with 'Leikhom'.I aslo failed to explain 'Leikhom'.This led to further disappointment in failing to connect with several words,like,'Leisha','Leibaak' and most importantly,'Laibak'.Failing to explain 'Laibak' was a major blow to me.

I tried all the available pathways.But I reached a dead end.I failed.

It was in the backdrop of a such mood when I mysteriously 'sleep walked' into an NFT community on Twitter.

There has been a lot of buzz in theorizing that crypto is going transform itself into what they are calling Web3.I am still skeptical.All the NFT communities are based on crypto blockchains.

Still skeptical but I kept on following more NFT artistes on Twitter.My Twiiter feed is still completely dominated by NFT tweets.

Something was happening to me.So,I theorized a comforting concept for myself:

1) Cyberspace is 'dream matrix'

2) So,present-day 'Mangtaak' can happen in cyberspace.

Something told me that a 'Mangtaak' would emerge from the paintings of the NFT artstes.

On the night of 5th January 2022,it happened--a painting depicting a lady having 'a magic plant' on her forehaed.A three-flowers bunch.

I literally grabbed the 'Mangtaak' using both my hands---forehead is connected with three flowers.

So,I immediately take the cue---forehead is associated with three flowers.

Now,I can explains all the words by using the concept of  'forehead is connected with three flowers'.

More than that,this turns out to be an amazing start.

From this, I come to know that our 'Cha-ama' is of three flowers--(a) a flower of 'Khei' movement,enabled by 'Asuk' and 'Asambal,(b) a second flower of expansion of the 'Yaang' and (c) the third flower of high radiation around 'Aphoula'.

These three flowers enables the formations of habitable planets.

Again.these  same three flowers tell the story of 'Laibak' and 'Malem Leisa'.I am coming with the full story in my next post.This ritual symbolizes the formation of habitable planets in our universe.

I am rushing this post because our Architects seem to be in a mood to throw a challenge to NASA and James Webb Telescope.Thus,I want to publish this post immediately so as to enable our Architects' challenge visible to all concerned well before the official commissioning of the James Webb Telescope.