Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Shu Kingdom of Chengdu

 There is an intriguing report in China about the ongoing archaeological excavation.

The excavation is happening in a site called Sanxingdui,near the city of Chengdu,which is the capital of the Sichuan province.

Among the various finds one particular attraction is the gold mask,which is similar to other gold masks found in various civilization around the globe.

The relics are from the Shu kingdom.

What drives me to write this post is the term 'shu',as we have been continuously deploying the meaning of the 'Sa'(like,'Siyayo') in several posts now.The term 'shu' is completely intriguing to me.

Here is the descriptive report on the excavation.

And here is the more interesting report with some commentaries.

In the second report,there are many intriguing things:

1) The relics belong to Shu kingdom.

2) It is a mysterious civilization.

3) It is 30000 years old.

4) It is totally different from the civilization that sprung up in the Yellow River Basin(which is,of course,taken as the identifying one for the Chinese civilization itself).

5) The above notion is likely to be re-visited now,making it necessary to re-write the whole Chinese history.There are competing civilizations to the Yellow River Basin one,which posits that Chinese civilization might be a composite one.

6) Almost nothing  is known about the Shu kingdom because of the lack of written records.

The last points is the one which rekindles my curiosity.

Let's try to fill in the gap in the reported lack of written records by continuing our discussion on 'Sa' and 'Cha'.

7) As already discussed in many posts,'Sa' denotes something which lies between two diffrent states,conditions etc.So,'shu' is 'intermediate thing which is rooted'.

Here,in our particular context,'Shu' civilization lies between the Yellow River Basin civilization and other civilizations.It fills in quite nicely.

8) 'Chengdu' is 'Cheng+Tu'.

a) 'Che' is paper,which nutrient flattened out(My post entitled,"The soul of the 'paat' and the experiments in pictorial syntax",dated 10th Feb 2021).

b) 'Cheng' is the nutrient flattened to which the life is bestowed.Here we can take it as to mean 'human grade nutrient'.

c) 'Tu' is 'interaction rooted'.It means the place of interaction.

d) Deducting from the above three pictures,'Chengdu' might mean the place which specialized in the theories,or production,or trading ,of human grade nutrients.

As someone living in Imphal valley who particularly have no specialized knowledge of archaeological excavations around the globe,this blogger knows nothing about the city of Chengdu.But this blog tries to decode the city of Chengdu.

It would be extremely interesting to find out if this decoding gels with the actual story of Chengdu.

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