Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Form and propaganda--RSS and Manipur.

We are facing with the likely scenario of the mainstreaming of the RSS in the Indian society.

In case the still unfolding scenario is proven right,we can expect a direction-shifting change in the Indian
society itself and,as its impact,a groundbreaking perception of what Indian-ness is in all the neighbouring

So, we need to correctly asses what the RSS is all about.RSS is an idealistic social organisation--
propaganda.RSS is an apolitical organisation--propaganda.RSS works hard quietly on the ground and produces a lot of admirable cadres--good information.One such admirable cadre,named Nathuram Godse,shot Mohandas K.Gandhi to death--good information.Does RSS equal Hindutva?Is RSS fascist?Is RSS really intent on converting India a nation of Hindu supremacist?

These are the forms(and the propaganda) which the RSS itself tries to portray,or,are percolated down to the general populace through the agencies of popular media and institutions.We need to pierce through these forms and propaganda to get in touch with the real contents inside and try to make an assessment out of it.

In my humble opinion,the sine quo non of the RSS is the ongoing and Himalayan(to borrow an expression from Mohandas K,Gandhi)endeavour to divest Eugenics out of the Indian Social Dynamics(my last post).

Graphically speaking,the prime intent of the RSS is to yank Eugenics out of Indian social dynamics and insert the idea of Hindutva in its place.

They know that if Eugenics continue to serve as the main plank of the Indian social dynamics,it would become untenable in this modern age.So, they are toiling hard on the ground to replace Eugenics with Hindutva.In this sense,RSS is becoming the saviour of the evil Indian social dynamics.

Here again,we are coming face to face with an irony.RSS,in trying to replace Eugenics with Hindutva,comes in direct confrontations with the established Indian social system.But they are not fighting to dislodge the established social system and thereby,usher into a brave new world.Insterad,they are fighting to maintain the
status quo of the Indian social dynamics but with a renewed vigour.

In this sense,for nearly a century,there have been a constant but a low-key tussle between the RSS and the
established Indian social system.With the spectacular victory of Narendra Modi,himself a RSS Pracharak,do we see a tipping point  in favour of the RSS?

In other words,the tipping point in the nearly century old tussle has seen its manifestations in the spectacular victory of Narendra Modi.In this sense,Narendra Modi is only symbol of the tipping point--another form but not another propaganda.

Nearer home,this tipping point have brought about several outward manifestations,like the installation of a
person as the junior Home Minister,who hails from a place recently administered by the Ministry of External
Affairs,New Delhi,the likely final push for Nagalim and,here comes the heartbreaking one,a bomb blast in Imphal targetting unarmed migrant workers,killliing 2 of them and injuring scores of them.

Well,the bomb blast have already made everybody bewildered--why is this happening at all? But we need to pull ourselves up and try to find answers urgently--not in a whodunit or blamegame paradigm but in a holistic study  of our own social dynamics which might be responsible for producing such incidents.

Let's look at the 3 sectors of our society which,at present, are getting maximum investments.


It's one social sector which gets the maximum grassroot investments and attention.Such investments catapults many young men and women to the thriving urban centres like Bangalore.But majority of them can only touch the outward forms associated with such thriving urban centres,like how the young executives of the fast-moving corporations socialize but not with the innner substance,like the life-giving corporate culture.Our society puts in a whole lot of heavy investments but still our young men and women can only connect with the outward forms--not the substance.


Well,in this sector,there is not grassroot-level investments but they are getting massive investments from New Delhi.In the course of their duties,they come in direct contact with the rebels of Manipur.Of course,there is
always high dose of romanticism associated with rebels of any hue.Romanticsm born out of the martyrs who are always intent on swimming against the current,challenging the status quo.But our young police men and women can only connect with  only one part of the outward form of such romanticism,like the rebels sustaining themselves with the 'donations'from the general populace.If the rebels can seek donations,why can't we?This is a new phenomenon in our society.


Everybody knows that the rebels are working extremely hard to channelize a whole lot of investments on
themselves!Surprisingly,they have already become the masters of big money power games--just like,big money lenders and feudallords.In the context of all such interactions,it is becoming clearer by the day that the majority of the rebels also can connect with the outward form of the legacy of rebellion of Manipur.

It's hearbreaking to note that the social sectors which receive the highest amount of investments actually
churn out young men and women who are content with only celebrating the form.

In this stage of our social development,we have come to face to face with the incidents like the bombing of the unarmed migrant workers.

Are such bombings the extreme cases of the celebrations of the form?

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