Monday, May 15, 2017

May 14

Is the 14th of May,2017 a watershed in world history as China officially challenge the West by initiating two day OBOR summit(14th and 15th May) in Beijing?

It's too early to answer this question but everybody readily admits that the challenge to the West is being publicly announced in Beijing beginning on the 14th of May.

In this backdrop of crucial moment of world history we also come across no less crucial inflection point in Manipur's histoy.

Reading todays Imphal newspapers (which contains the news datelined the 14th May,2017) we come face to face with still fuzzy contours of the 'Nongchup Thong'.In my last post,we asked ourselves this question-can there be a historically and geo-politically sanctified constituent for the Nongchup Thong within the Manipuri society?.In asking the momentous question we depended solely on the constricted political space occupied by the rebels to provide us the clues.(My last post).

Now the clues are coming out on more open spaces.

But as I said earlier, the clues are still fuzzy and its still too early to try to connect the dots and establish a discernible profile of the 'Nongchup Thong'.

I'm writing this post solely to put on record this historic date.

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