Saturday, July 18, 2009

The 3rd day the truncated mega bandh

I even stepped out of my house this morning! That's after more than 70 hrs of continuous holing inside my house!!

I went out to buy some meat. My regular butcher was in his usual self--bandh or no bandh.

Most of the bigger stores pulled their shutters down. But street vendors were in their businesses.

Even after getting the news that 5 of diesel auto rickshaws were burnt by bandh supporters, many were seen plying in the streets.

The way of making the announcement of forming of a faction of a rebel group(it was done in a press conference on the 14th to appear on the frontpages of the 15th, on which the mega bandh had begun) and the way the bandh was truncated on the day the faction was announced on the frontpages mean that one party was making a retreat. It might be a tactical retreat, though.

It's to be noted that the news of the formation of the faction did not appear on the 15th might mean that the parent rebel group exerted pressures on the media houses not to publish it. On the 16th all paperes failed to hit the newstand presumably because of the wrangle of the two parties.

This round goes to the conspirators.

Will there be another round?

We had heard phrases like quality education, academic atmosphere, wilful targeting of memeber of a minority community etc etc in the aftermath of the assasination of Prof Islamuddin; but this morning's papers cleared all the smokescreens--Prof Islamuddin just happened to a sacrificial lamb.

The poor professor.

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