Sunday, May 12, 2013

Seijang-Sailent--the clash of the two Churns.

We have a legacy where the Ma-ngang,Luwang,Khuman and 4 other actors have all emerged as winners at the same time(just like the component actors of the societies of Naga and Kuki).

Isn't it the right time to get another set of actors,namely,Meetei,Naga and Kuki come up as winners at the same time?

More specifically,we have all the cues in our legacy to make both Seijang and Sailent winners at the same time?

But,right now, there are security personnel deployed in Seijang-Sailent sector.

So,what went wrong?

The security pesrsonnel deployed in Seijang and Sailent are the indicators of the slow and unobtrusive intrusion of the advancing Grand Churn of the Gangetic Plains.This Grand Churn is characterized by its zealous advocacy of Nazism as it driving force and,as such,is a great threat to the whole of humanity.As it turns out,the samller societies like the Nepalese are left clueless as how to handle this advancing Grand Churn,which nonetheless,fails not to send out ripple effects well across the Himalayas.So,in such unexpected places,like the Forbidden City,the threat of this slowly advancing Grand Churn is well perceived and as a result, appropriate counter-moves have been planned for.

More specifically,the recent intricately-planned visits of the President of India(my last post) and the Home Minister of India(my next to last post) pointed out to us that the present actors in New Delhi are deploying the Grand Churn as their mission-critical weapon.

But the game-changing thing,in my humble opinion,is that the corollary to what transpired in the above two visits reveals to us the practical clue--the only way to check this advancing Grand Churn is to field our own Churn,which might be of a smaller scale but noentheless possessing a throbbing life of its own.

Am I imagining things up?

To find the answer,we can look up at two instances.

1)The peoples,south of Vindhya,with a much-trumpeted racial contradiction in the paradigm of Dravidian vs Aryan,miserably fail to check mate the rolling in of the Grand Churn inside their  own turf.Considering all the plausible factors,I can find no other handicaps except their inability to field a competing Churn of their own.

2)Nepal,despite having a International boundary,is a living testimony of a ravaged society--ravaged by the rolling in the Grand Churn in full throttle.It's also the case of the Nepalese society having no clue as how to field a competing Churn of  their own.Seen in this light,any expenditure of precious time and energy in demanding an Indian Constitutional safeguard is not only a critical strategic misstep but a self-defeating exercise which would end up feeding,testing and ultimately,strenthening the Grand Churn of the Gangetic Plains.

Having come this far,here is the critical question--how about the scale of our own Churn? Would our small-scale Churn stand any chance in fighting the Grand Churn of the Gangetic Plains?

The recent developments in Asia answer this question--all Asian societies in our immediate neighbourhood correctly perceive the threat posed by the slowly advancing Great Churn of the Gangetic Plains,which,ultimately,results in the formation of the Grand Coalition against NAzism.

If our small-scale Churn makes the correct strategic steps to channelize all the pent-up uneasiness of the Asian societies behind it,it has a perfectly good chance of safeguarding its own turf by effectively fighting off the advancing Grand Churn of the Gangetic Plains.

In this sense,Seijang-Sailent is a momentous affair showing us that the clash of the two Churns have already begun which would result in regenerating our society empowering us to make both Seijang and Sailent winners at the same time.

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