Saturday, June 01, 2013

Another 'homecoming' and one watershed mark?

No,I don't mean to say that the 'homecoming'in itself represents a watershed mark in the Manipuri society.

But the stoic silence maintained by the Manipuri rebel groups as a response to the 'homecoming' might represent a watershed.

Manipur's rebel groups regularly collect huge amounts of 'donations',dictact do's and don'ts to whoever they it deem fit,even dish out death sentences,so on and so forth.All these are possible because they self-proclaim themselves to be the vanguard leading the people towards the revolution.They are so succesful in muscleiing in their presence in the Manipuri society that all the agencies of the Indian state including its military are made to stand up and watch all these proceedings from the sidelines.

But for the past one week a typical newspaper reader like me who tries to piece together all the publicly available patterns has been harassed by a very confusingly complete yet all the more meaningful silence from the part of the rebel groups vis a vis the 'homecoming'.Vanguards are supposed to be a proactive leaders but Manipur's self-proclaimed vanguards even fail to react to a very significant move from the the quarters of counter-insurgency agencies.

Does the past one week tell us that we are witnessing a watershed?

Do all the publicly available patterns point to the 'homecoming' day as the day one of the long road to obsolescence for the rebel groups?

Talking of publicly available patterns,as the 'homecoming' party was being organized in this tiny valley,there was a surprisingly deathly attack on the military in another valley on the North-westernmost border,leaving 4 soldiers death.

Is this a discernible pattern or just a coincidence?

Again,on the following day,there was another uncharacteristically deathly attack on the architect of a state-sponsored armed vigilante group,this one in the very heartland.

Is this another of those discernible pattern or just a freak coincidence?

But as someone who is constantly trying to check his emotions from clouding the patterns as they emerge,I completely fail to guard myself against the impact of another of those critical strategic missteps.This is making me sad.Now is just the right time to dig out old copies of the autobiography of Winston Churchill and go straight to the chapters where he told us about his lonely crusade against the appeasement of Nazi Germany.On the hindsight,we now know that this dour figure was the only soul left standing who was  perceptive enough to decode the danger of appeasing the Nazis thus saving the Western Civilization as we see today from the brink of being overwhelmed by Nazi Germany.

C'mon,folks,appeasement means self-destruction in slow motion.

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