Wednesday, May 27, 2015

4 armymen for every 2 rebels killed?

Today's newspaper report proves beyond any doubt the existence of the shrouded,yet increasingly discernible,battleplan,as mentioned in the beginning of my next to last post.

The shooting down of the two rebels precisely at the right moment(when we were observing the general strike,as detaled in my last post) was possible only because of the grasstroot level intel provided by the villagers.Those villagers,together with the ones who 'unintentionally' killed the two labourers(next to last post),are being projected to have formed the backbone of the battleplan.

The story,so far,goes according to the script.

The script gets skewed when the rebel group waited till this morning to announce that those two killed were their cadres.

Why did they choose to announce it after a gap of four days?

Did they wait for the news of the shooting down of four armymen in Kashmir(25th May) getting splashed all over the media?

If that's the script,is it the case of 4 armymen for every 2 rebels killed?

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