Thursday, May 14, 2015

Modi ie RSS wants 'soul grabbing' for Akhand Bharat(just like the ISIS for their Caliphate)

They cold-bloodedly killed the two innocent men and then,said they 'unintentionally'killed them!

Just as the cold-blooded killings were made to happen on the eve of Modi's china visit,it's to be forcefully inferred to as a 'deceitful' part of the ongoing battleplan of India.Just as Narendra Modi starts his China visit,their 'deceitful'battleplan truly succeeded in showing us the initial glipmse of the scale of unrest that would descend on the tiny state of Manipur.

Now,come to Karachi.There,ISIS also cold-bloodedly massacred more than 40 innocent lives and I,for one,want to express my heartfelt sorrow for the huge bloodletting.

But they are,at the least,not being deceitful.They are opening claiming that they are responsible for the huge bloodletting.

I have no inetention of rationalizing the idea behind the ISIS.But,at the same time,there is no point in wishing away the ISIS by expressing occassional outrages at their bloodletting.As something that's happening around us,it would be wise for us to make sense what they are and what they are upto.

In the Calipjate,the Koran is the sole law.And,in the Koran,Shia is the blasphemy itself and it sanctions to annihilate all things blasphemous.In ISIS Caliphate,they are executing what have been sanctioned in the Koran lock,stock and barrel.The Koran sanctions executions and so, there are continual executions inside ISIS Caliphatte.(I,for one,never ever watch an execution video of the ISIS because it would be too distasteful for me).Christians are permissible,albeit with a tax.They
are expanding the Caliphate in preparation for the final battle where the Anti-Messiah would be slain,in a battlefield that would take place in,of all places,Jerusalem.

For this preparation of the final battle,ISIS demands full and unconditional allegiance of all the Muslims of the world.

In other words,what the ISIS is doing is the massive 'soul grabbing'exercise for this final battle.

Now, the theme of Narendra Modi's China visit is 'Asia for Buddha'.In other words,Modi,just like the ISIS,wants a watered down 'Caliphate'--the 'Greater India'--where Budhism is the unquestioned law,if not the sole one,like in ISIS Caliphate.

To this,add the RSS idea of Akhand Bharat.The RSS wants the whole of Pakistan,Afghanistan,Nepal,Tibet etc to be merged with the Indian Union.This super India is what they call the Akhand Bharat.

In other words,the RSS is doing a massive 'soul grabbing' exercise for their watered down 'Caliphate'.

So,what's the difference between the RSS and the ISIS? Why we continually express this monstrous abhorence for the ISIS? Why we are taking the RSS as more or less acceptable?Why?

The only difference I can see is that massive bloodletting and cruelty of abnormal kind are associated with the ISIS whereas the RSS is deemed to be meekly.

But this 'meekly' Modi is dreaming of grabbing the soul of whole of China by using the Buddha.

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