Saturday, September 26, 2015

Virulent Nazism and myths

It's almost a free for all scene--every conceivable groupings wanting to make a new or the other,to unmake an already existing, state.These imaginery making and unmaking are mostly based on ethnic lines.

I'll do my tiny bit to bring sanity to the already chaotic scene.

1)Human being,wherever they live,are 99.99% equal.Pre-ponderance of some genes depending on the climate and location bring about the physical differences among them.

2)Ethnicity and race are simply the bye-products of the myth making process of human being.To put it brutally,ethnicity and race are myths--nothng more,nothng less.

From these two precepts let's try to have a re-look at ourselves.

The most glaring feature of this part of this part of the globe is the existence of many number of small communities of people.The question that immediately comes to my mind is that why they are so small in numbers.There may so many myths,stories to explain this.But we are not going in that direction.

One of the most probable reasons is that they fail to properly interact with their environment,the geographical features distinctive to their surroundings.For example,the super-abundance of thick forest might be foreboding for them.They might have even think that there are forest spirits prowling there.

The ideal condition is that they(having the 99.99% of same attribute found in the peoples of the developed parts of the globe)should have mined the forest for resources,for example,protein for their health.Protein,particularly, comes to my mind because we know that all the communities here are characterized by the practice of stuffing themselves with vast amounts of carbohydrate.Is it the case of these people unable to properly interact with their environment so as to find out where protein sources lie?People when they are growing up needs proteins,vitamins and minerals for the proper development of brain cells.When people,by some culturally accepted precept, continue to stuff themselves with vast amounts of carbuhydrates from generation to generation,there is every likelihood that their brain cells might not have developed properly.That might even trigger a vicious circle.Fewer brain cells would mean lower intellect,which again,would  result in further inabiltiy to interact with their environment in a proper fashion.

This culturally accepted practice surely results in ill health of the members of these small communities.We may even discern a correlation with their health and their inability to maintain a optimum sized society.

So,we are now witnessing 50,000 strong community dreaming of a separate administrative arrangement for themselves.

Here we come to the conclusion that if we shorn ourselves of myths,culture and tradition,we come to face to face with surprising fact--our inability to prepoerly interact with our environment.I think this is an appropriate status report of all the small communities living in this part of the globe.

We are still trying not be influnced by myths,culture and tradition and,with this frame of mind,let's visit the vast plains of Sindhu and Ganga.We need to visit these places because there arose a virulent Nazism,nicely hidden behind a religious garb.How that came about is too vast a subject to be considered here and,morever,it's the job of the scholars to attempt that.But it's generally agreed that it came about as a direct result of the arrival Germanic people in that part of the globe.I strongly suspect some adventurers of Germanic descents,by some quark of history,nicely escaped the civilizing influnce of Christianity there and arrived in the plains of plains of Sindhu,carrying with them the raw Teutonic agressive precepts.

We agree that these Nazi precepts continue to flourish in small pockets in the plains of Sindhu and Ganga for thousand of years.mostly unnoticed by the world.

But that scenario abruptly changed with the arrival yet another set of Europeans.The British mercenaries,who in due course of time would unite themselves under the aegis of East India company,energetically went about the consolidation of the source of raw matrails for their recently invented steam engines.The consolidation was all the over urgent because the source of their raw materials would also served as the vast market of the various products of their steam engines.That consolidation is what we now call India.

The British merceneries,unwittingly,gave a sub-continental-sized playing field for those Nazi precepts which were recently confined to the small pockets in the plains of Sindhu and Ganga.This incident is world changing.

The ripple effect of this rise of the Nazi precepts into a sub-continetal-sized playing field was felt all over the land mass of Asia.

All the stakeholders in Asia,who have in their disposal vast resources and vast armies have already started responding to the ripple effect.(Seen in this context,our 'Maichou Tarets' are so tiny players--so tiny that they,for all practical purposes,can be ignored).

This is a proper a geo-political shift in the making.

The best we can do in this scenario is to determine which side this geo-political wind is likely to blow and set our sails accordingly.This,at the least,might save us from the onslaught of this virulent Nazi precepts.

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