Thursday, July 30, 2020

'Ting', 'ting' and two prophesies(2)

Ting ting chaoro
Thabina karingei kahouro
Numitna waanglingei Waanghouro
Epa machum taro
Epu machum taro

1) Give a fresh lease of life to activities of interactive growth.

2) Choose the leaders who are making less soundbytes but putting more emphasis on work progress.

3) Be as focus to your goal as the common people single-mindedly focus on the mundane matter as their lifeline(which looks like a little foolhardy but their make or break focus is still noteworthy).

4) Here I need to deploy a wildly elegant construction in our language which I stumbled upon only a few days back during the writing of first draft of my monograph;it would be impossible to give even a gist of the newly-found construction here in this space.By deploying this knowledge,it is clear that the prophesy tells us to be as nimble as something which can actually lift itself off this ground and to get the grip of the situation as firmly as a vice.Nimbleness and the firmness of grip expressed by a single word--it is wildly elegant--actually this blogger is lost of his words to describe the experience.

5) By the same deployment,wisdom and firmness of stand--this time also,expressed by a single word.The prophesy coaxes us to grow up into adults embracing those qualities,detailed here and,in (4).

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