Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Unbelievable political development in Kakching and India's favourite rebel group.

 If one have the virtue of restraint and,for the sake of decency,coaxes himself not to go off the tangent in using chicest expletives in describing the political development in Kakching ,the least he can do to size it up,is to to say that it is unbelievable.UNBELIEVABLE.Period.

Everybody in our society should ask why this kind of unbelievable political development starts happening in our place.We should be worrying ourselves to death to ascertain if this kind of development indicate that our society is heading towards a precipice.

To make the question more robust,let's chart out how this development sends out two mysterious but extremely worrying pattern.

1) It shows the dangerously asymmetric facet of the unitary nature of the Indian Union.The Executive branch can 'coax' the leading members of the Judicial branch(and also the leading members of the Fourth Estate) to act in an overtly political manner.If one reads it together with the war-mongering Hindu supremacist ideology of the RSS(of which,the incumbent Prime Minister is a proud and extremely hard working member) there is no way not to conclude that India is sliding towards a terrifying political zone.

2) The players of Delhi's ruling class is taking an extremely risky path of 'influencing' the Judicial branch to act in an overtly political manner with the sole aim of publicly spelling out who is their favourite rebel group of Manipur.It shows that they have no political will and so,they are hiding behind the walls of respect and trust generally reserved for the judiciary in this part of the world.But,in doing so,they have taken the first steps in chipping away at the respect and trust instilled in the hearts of the general public.It is a sad story,more so,for a self-glorifying  largest democracy of the world.

The above two conclusions by this blogger are certainly a destabilizing ones,to say the least.To top it all,I have not got a single data in my possession to prove the veracity of them.

Then,why this blogger has taken all this trouble to publish them?

Isn't it the sensationalism at its height?

This blogger takes all the trouble to publish them to propel people to ask this make or break question of our generation:

Is there an active and well-fought covert warfare currently ongoing in Manipuri society?

As is the norm of all covert warfare,all the common people(that includes this blogger also) shall have no data to prove the ongoing covert warfare.Even so,we must always try to find the answers by asking this supposedly futile question.

To stop asking the supposedly futile question would indicate that  we stop living in a dynamic and organic society,

In the estimation of this blogger,there is an extremely well-fought and still ongoing  covert warfare amongst the rebel groups of Manipur on one hand and between one particular rebel group and Indian military,on the  other.

The sad story is that at least three rebel groups of Manipur have joined hands with the Indian military to covertly take down the leaders of this one particular rebel group who is in the throes of the covert fighting with the Indian military.(The key word here is the LEADERS.To make this point clearer, we should pinch ourselves to force the memories of some two decades streaming back to the present time--nearly two decades back there were open gunbattle amongst rebel groups,particularly between two rebel groups,resulting in 300 to 400 casualties in young rebel cadres.Apparently,all the rebel groups learnt their lessons that taking down young cadres did not give their desired result.So,now,they are trying to take down the leaders of their opposing groups--that too,in covert operation,beyond the eyesight of the common people.The fact that the unbelievable political development happened in Kakching bears testimony to the possibility of the taking down of sizable numbers of leaders of a group,residing within the geographical area of Kakching district.This successful taking down of the Kakching-based leaders of the particular rebel group gives sleepless night to the leaders of the ruling class of Delhi.They also want to convey their sympathy to the suffering rebel group--that too,in a dramatic,imperialistic and publicly-visible manner.That is the reason why the unbelievable political development is happening in Kakching right at the moment.)

The recent political development in Kakching happened because India wants to equivocally announce who is their favourite amongst the three rebel groups.One possible indicator to find out who is this favourited rebel group is to ask this question:

Who amongst the three rebel groups,have the largest top leaders in Kakching district?

If one can find out the answer of the above question,one can inch towards identifying who is India's favourite rebel group in Manipyr.A rebel group favourited by India.Sad,sad story.

Saddest story of our time, I would say.


12.06 pm

I'm still utilizing the tap water of the 6th November 2020 for my drinking purpose.

The three rebel groups that I've mentioned in the main body of this post,actually ganged up together to put chemicals into water of public utility department.It's a horrifying act.

It's a crime against humanity.

The rough sketch of how they carry out this evil act is given below.

Aluminium Nitrate is a commonly used water purrifying agent.But,if added in larger doses,it becomes a killer agent.

These three rebel groups add disproportionately large doses of Aluminium Nitrate to the tap water.Their aim is to eliminate this blogger.


Won't this act put the lives of thousand of innocent civilian who are using the water of the utlility department as the sole source of their drinking water. 

They have a magic calculation to skirt this issue.It is noted down below.

1) The single-member household is a rarity.(Unfortunately,this blogger situates in this bracket).

2) Currently,we are getting tap water on every fifth day.

3) Suppose an average household is a five member one.On a given day five days duration,each member would drink,on the average,10 litres of excess-Aluminium-laden water.

4)In a single member household,it stands to reason that it is not necessary to collect drinking water on every fifth day(meaning the single member householders would continue to drink the contaminated water way beyond the next fifth day).They would do it most likely on the 3rd fifth day  of the public distribution of tap water.(I actually do it,on the average,on the 4th fifth day).

5) From the above set of information,we can deduce that while the members of the five member household drink,on the average,10 litres of aluminium-laden water,the members of the single-member house would consume,on the average,30 litres of the same water.Thus,this blogger is easily targeted(and they most likely know there is nil single-member household in my area,except mine).

6) In this light,the gangs of these three rebel groups make a simple calculation.They add excess aluminium nitrate to the water of the public distribution pipelines of my area in a ratio that will make the water act as a killer agent if consumed in excess of 10 litres.

They are making this calculation to make the tap water not toxic enough to make people sick(but toxic,nonetheless)if consumed to the tune of 10 litres in five days interval.If consumed beyond these important threshold,the water would make people sick.

This simple calculation reveals itself as a powerful weapon of a covert warfare,even though,the very act crosses accepted norms of covert warfare,thus dragging themselves inside the zone inhabited by the perpetrators of crime against humanity.

I'm telling this story of my drinking water woes because,I think,it would shine light on how covert warfare continues to happen in broad daylight and amidst our immediate neighbourhood--that too,even utilizing the supposedly sacred network of drinking-water carrying pipes of the utility department.They are certainly the demons who do not hesitate to contaminate public utility pipelines of the utility department of a particular area.

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