Sunday, November 05, 2006

Need to be near them

A Kanhailal play has been scheduled for the evening of the 5th. Then, suddenly, Apunba Lup announced ‘sintha leppa’ (a pen down type of protest) on the 5th also.

I’m an active supporter of Sharmila. I’m ready to take in any protest program in support of her. But, I’ve also been looking forward to the going to that play of Kanhailal. I like both of them. But with the Apunba Lup protest program means the play might have already been re-scheduled. This pisses me off.

I need some change in pace in my daily routine. I also need some new songs and books. But somehow I’ve not been able to buy them. If books are not available in Imphal, songs can be either purchased or downloaded. I don’t like the idea of downloading songs from a p2p site. It’s like stealing some other’s property. But what choice do we have? Even if we go to a Imphal music store it’s more or less certain that we must be buying pirated songs. It’s also the case when we rent CDs of movies—all of them are pirated copies. I’m living in a society where piracy is pervading.

What’s particularly amazing is that it’s also true in case of local artists. I like to buy songs of Umoni and Eastern Dark. But I’m not certain if some portions of the money I would be forking out to buy them would actually reach the artists. Sometimes, I think of going directly to the artists to buy the songs but it would be a lot of hassle for me to find their places and meeting them.

All these mean that I need some new stimulation. I’m feeling suffocated by the daily doses of mediocrity. Most of the Kanhailal plays are spun with thread bare theatrical devices but they are amazingly beautiful. Let’s say most of them are simple but sublime.

Even if I can’t touch them beautiful things—simple and sublime, I need to feel to be near them. Suffused and stimulated by them.

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