Saturday, April 03, 2021

The Tatmadaw and the lockdown in the US capitol.

 I am losing track of how the 'Heingang personality'(my last post) drags itself into the centrestage of what has been happening during the last few days.This blog has been continuously chronicling all those events in the several last few posts.

Between my last post and the writing of this new post,the 'Heingang personality' has coaxed,through her Instagram stories,her followers to follow one particular account,which has something to do with 'home'.

That propels me to look back to this post of mine.The title of that particular post is "Yet another set,this time,inside their mountain-top 'homes'?".It was dated 28th December 2020.

I am reproducing the relevant part that points to the 'Heingang personality':


 A well-known person from the Heinganag Assembly constituency came out(on one of the social media accounts of that person,which,by the ways,happens to have a substantial followers) with a curious video clip--curious in the sense the video clip shows that person standing on a mountain top at this time of the season!

I had a chance to feel how the weather is beating down on the residents of the towns of the mountain ranges of Manipur--it was snowing there.The video was by a random youtuber;at first sight,I thought it might be somewhere in Korea.Only when the 

youtuber started to speak I came to realize the scene belongs to some mountain-top towns of Manipur,In that cell phone video I could easily see the snows coming down relentlessly--I thought how cold it might be there.

In such a weather,that Heingang personality did not stand on just a simple mountain top--that particular mountain top looks down on a several rows of velvety mountain tops.Highest mountain top of that particular geographical area!!

Now,what's makes us asking  a lot of questions after seeing this particular video clip?


Then,it happened.

We got the news late last afternoon.

(1) 6 (six? See the coincidence?) Tatmadaw soldiers were killed in an encounter in and around Namphalong.Possibly during the encounter,a mortar shell crossed over to the Indian territory.Amazingly,it landed inside the Indian Army's Assam Rifles compound.injuring one soldiers.

That mortar shell is making history.

An official Tatmadaw mortar shell lands inside inside Indian territory,marking the beginning of a new paradigm.

(2) If we connect this history making mortar shell with the 'Heingang personality',it is beyond doubt now that another set of attacks on the mountain-top 'homes' had happened during the last few days.I have no idea when.

(3) So,the Namphalong attack is in retaliation of those attacks.

Who are the real operatives on the ground physically attacking the Tatmadaw in and around Namphalong?

(4) In trying  to answer this question,let us go to the next step.

There is already the hint of the coming of the retaliation to the Namphalong attack.

Right at the moment,US Capitol is on lock down,enforced by the National Guards.

A car rammed a peripheral barricade of the capitol.One police officer was killed and the attacker was also shot death.

I am not saying that the US is behind the Namphalong attack.

Instead,it is being hinted at the ground operatives of the Namphalong attack.It is an ethnic group of Burma.Being Christian,they are, by and large,obsessed with, through their Church leaders,shifting to the US.

The operatives of the Namphalong attack belong to that ethnic groups.The string of the attack was,of course,pulled from Imphal and New Delhi.

Here also,we are facing with yet another tipping point in history--the Government of India is directly intervening in the intra-rebel fights in counter-insurgency journey of the Indian state.

The US capitol lockdown hints at the ethnic group inside Burma.

Another two attacks on Manipur-based rebel groups and actors in New Delhi should be anticipated.

We would certainly be witnessing a lot of blood shed in the coming days.

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