Tuesday, March 18, 2008

T Minou 2

Why should anybody have the time to go deeper into the competitions amongst rebel groups?

Please read on. I’ve something in mind.

Any rebel group worth its salt with an avowed aim of fighting the Indian military should have a doctrine for doing so, which in turn should be the fruition of the interaction between political and military thinkers of the group. Within the framework such doctrine, commanders in the field need to devise strategies and tactics for military onslaughts.

After they passed the tests of fighting the police forces like CRPF, BSF etc, they all find something amiss when they come face to face with the Indian military. The only exception might be the group which carried out the attack on T Minou military outpost. Neither do they the doctrine nor have they the human resources to bring forth it.

Naturally, rebel cadres cutting across party lines are demoralized. They start to fervently wish that the society which gives sustenance to their movement suddenly withdraw the political space that enables such sustenance. It’s because they know from the Nagas and Mizos that going for peace talk would render them turncoats at best and traitors at worst.

At the second phase of the demoralization of the rebel cadres, they now want to engineer the social conditions which will result in the withdrawal of the political space by our society.

Sensing the new development, the Indian military intelligence sprang into action.

Now, these two elements quietly withdraw into a twilight zone where they collude for their future plan of actions. With the increasing frequencies of the military actions that took place at T Minou, this twilight zone and the number inhabitants are likely to grow bigger and bigger.

A chill races down my spine as I try to capture the scale of damages these murky minds are likely to impinge on the social fabric of our society.

This is my feeble attempts to try to connect the dots and I fervently wish that I was totally wrong in my assessment and no such twilight zone ever existed here.

And, today, I should not fail to record this: YAOSHANG SPORTS STARTS! I saw several torch rallies in the street heralding the beginning of the sport events.

But isn’t it bit too early? Apparently there are lots of takers for opting to sports as their careers. That’s a good development.

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