Monday, June 22, 2020

'Wakol' and 'wainu'.

So,today also I wasted one of my working days.

That's because I went out at around 10 in the morning for buying my groceries.

I feel like my world goes crazy because going out to buy my groceries is like going out to frontline of a battlefield.I've been doing this for the last four years.Four years! Come to think of this!!

Here is my first post after I came home purchasing poisoned pork.(Purchase on the previous day).The name of the post is 'The wa,the war and the 'poisoned' money' and it was dated 5th December 2016.

I distinctly remember this post because it was one those rare posts I write during my working hours.At that time also,I was constantly switching meat sellers from whom I purchased pork.That day I made the mistake of buying pork from the same pork seller for the third consecutive time.

As I walked home after purchasing the pork(together with other groceries) some feelings,which are new to new and particularly weird,began to bother me--it was something to do the body language of the meat seller,the way he looked at me that particular day,the way he grasped the portion of his stock from which he chopped off my share of the purchase etc.

Returning home,all those feelings percolated to an acutely disturbing landscape that forced to throw up the question:Am I imagining things?

Around seven in the night,I was at my small front yard,preparing supper by burning chopped woods.I did not particularly fancy cooking by burning woods.But heaps of chopped woods(from the still continuing work of building a new house) were piling up around me.I made it point to give away piles of woods to anyone who wanted to get it.Even after such giving away,piles of chopped were still there.So,I decided to start burning woods for meals to quicken the disposal of the piles.

Then,it happened.

It will be a waste of time to explain what actually transpired at that particular moment.Waste of time in the sense that it would be impossible to tell the story on such a limited space,like this blog.

But I can say with fair degree of certainty that what transpired at that moment was a thoroughly planned out one,and targeting me ,by some sadistic and psychotic minds.

After this,later in the night,I was fairly certain that something ominous had happened to me.How to prove it?Suddenly an idea struck me.How about letting the dogs sniffing out the deadly poison?At that time I was being plagued by some stray dogs defecating exactly at the spot where I should step out first thing in the morning at my gate.So,I quickly took a large portion of the suspected pork and placed it some feet away from the spot where I usually found the dog doo.

First morning the following day,I found the piece of my pork--unmolested amidst so many stray dogs loitering around!!

More than that,from that instant,the dogs never bothered me.And the end of my irritating routine of scooping dog doo from my gate.Fantastic animal instinct,isn't it?

Psychotic and sadistic minds!

Those are the just fitting words to describe the gangs representing the religio-linguistic constituent of Manipurs.I'm fairly certain that they are psychos.

These psychos have been actually tailing me for the last four years.They are keeping people around my place to phone them as soon as I went out of my house.I'm also unlucky in having access to a single gate--I have not any avenue to slip out unseen or unnoticed from my house.

And,I'm been at my wits end to shake off those tails--my world is a maddening place.

Having already come to this stage,I should not go without mentioning my exercise to shake off those tails during the covid19 pandemic.The first thing that's easily visible in this pandemic is the total abscence of public transport from the roads.And,I solely depend on the public transport system to bring the groceries to my place.Now,I have no choice but to go out and bring back the groceries myself.

Last time,I walked early two and half kms(2/12 kms because I was trying to shake off tail by the psychos),bought the groceries weighing around eight kgs and immediately walked backed to my home.Anybody have to do it for themselves to actually experience how weighty 8 kilograms is in their backpacks!How mightily weighty it might be,it did not last me a month.I always aim to buy groceries for one month.I need at least 12/13 kgs of groceries to last me a full one month.

As an aside,once I did try bring home nearly 15 kgs of groceries in my backpack from Moirangkhom area.Well.I can readily affirm herewith that nobody should try 15 kgs in their backpacks!!

I'm going to all the above chatters to say that my day is wasted today.In the meantime,I came upon a song-a song just released yesterday.I was particularly attracted to the song because it was described as a new release from a band which is  described as being retrowave,spacerock,experimental and indie folk. But I could only go to the song only to its halfway mark--I find the song flat and totally commonplace.

The title of the song somehow sticks.The tilte is 'Wakol o'.

After returning from grocery buying outing (thus wasting one of my working days),I suddenly thought--why not try to make up for the waste by applying my newly-discovered basic principle of Manipuri language to decode the "wakol o' Prophesy.

I will start with yet another disclaimer--I wish that I could do word by word steps of decoding the prophesy. But that episode should wait for the publishing of my monograph detailing my newly-discovered idea.

--Wakol o wakol o
  Chingda taba wakolna tamda tage mahaire
  Tamda taba wakolna chingda tage mahaire
  Wakonna phase li phase
  Wakol tanoi noi

  Wainu o wainu o
  .....  .... ...
  (we have the same lines as the above--the only thing is replace 'wakol' with 'wainu').

!)The first line is addressing 'wakol'.

"wakol' is people having outlook with ample horizon.

'Chingda taba wakol' are those who are ready to sweat it out on the grounds,exercise their intellect to solve the present day problems.

'Tamda tada wakol' are those who become flabby,living in their sheltered and comfort zones.

2)So,the second and third line say that there will be constant flux within the 'wakol' domain as everyone is trying to outdo one another to position themselves as the leading figures.

3)The fourth line says there should be urgent need to plot the different pathways taken by the self-proclaimed leaders(and also,affix their present positions) in the graph of the flux.

4)The fifth line is the most cryptic and also most elegant and profound.The prophesy says that the task envisaged in (3) should be delegated to the lower-rung members of the 'wakol' domain.

(I don't find anything in the prophesy to say what I'm trying to convey in the following line.It is purely my personal opnion.The task to be delegated to the lower-rung should sensibly be purely strategic and tactical in nature.They should be delegated to bring about a working re-allignement within the domain, working according to the just stipulated boundary).

The defining word in the second part of the prophesy is the word 'Wainu'(all other wods being the same as the first part).

'Wainu' is people having outlook with restricted horizon.

The narrative of the second part of the prophesy is the same as the first one after replacing 'wakol' with 'wainu'.

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