Tuesday, March 30, 2021

The 'Takhel Thaang' and the 'Sakai'.

 This post should be read together with my last post.

In my post,'Does one of our elegant prophesies hints at the epic clash of food supply chains?',dated 4th June 2020,I had already the last part of the prophesy--'Nom nom sagai tong,chanaba leite takhel thaang'.

At that time I decided that the part--'Nom nom sagai tong'--was not relevant at that point of time.

But,as discussed in my last post.there is urgent need to decode the first part.

(1) 'Nom' is the thing which exhibits the characteristics of a wave.This was discussed in my post entitled,'Nongmaijing chinggoirol: : Nongpok Leihouching',dated 28th January 2021.

(2) 'Sakai' is Sa+Kai.

--Here we have to take 'sa' as to mean 'beastly'.

--'Kai' is the thing or condition which exhibits the state of being already 'balanced', 'completed' or 'accomplished'.

--If we hang up the pictures of 'Sa' and 'Kai' on a board and try to make sense of meaning deflected from them,it should mean a given condition which is evaluated to be easily manipulated and put under control,that too,together with an evil intent.In another word,the evil intent makes the actors wrongly evaluated the situation as being amenable to easy manipulation and being totally controllable.

(3) 'Tong' is the micro-'ta' to which the life is bestowed.This means 'being in the state of very active but in tiny scale'.

Now,it's time to hang all the items described in (1),(2) and (3) on a big wall and try to guess the meaning collectively deflected from them.

For my part,it runs like this--'A tiny misstep(like, the inconsequential and equally tiny, wave),enabled by evil intent,thus escaping proper moral auditing leads to another and then to another.In no time they gather a momentum of their own.Without the actor knowing it,it suddenly reaches the flash point'.

This is my deduction.

Now,let's put the two parts of the prophesy together.To do so,I am reproducing the relevant parts of the 4th June 2020 post I had mentioned earlier.


Now,let's come to the prophesy itself.

!)"Chanaba leite" means 'a widespread health attack,using the weapon of heavy-metal fortified food grains is coming'.

2)"Takhel Thaang".

Working with my just discovered basic structure of Manipuri language,the word "Takhel" means supply chain and 

"Thaang",'multiple metrics'.'Multiple metrics' is just another way meaning 'competition' or 'clash'.

.....        ......

"A widespread health attack,using the weapon of heavy-metal fortified food grain,is coming---as the devilish attack raises its head,an epic clash of two food grain supply chains would also reveal itself".


The above is still true for Manipur-specific case.It has just occurred to me that the prophesy is likely to play out in two planes simultaneously.The Manipur-specific plane(which may even be taken to signify a small circle) plane and the global level plane(a larger circle embracing the Manipur-specific one).These two circles are likely to feed one another,making the cumulative impact more widespread and disruptive.

Here.there is still a need to do some decoding on the term 'Takhel'.

--'Takhel' is 'T(a)+khe+l(a)'.

--The key part is 'Khe'.

--Here,in our context,we should take 'Kh(a)' as to signify the energy that enables 'mechanical excellence'.(A detailed discussion on it is available in my next to last post).

--Now,we need to bring the 'Kha' from the + x-axis towards the -x-axis.(The process of doing so were discussed in the cases of 'Che','Le' in my several last posts).

--By the same process,we now get 'Khe'.So,'Khe' becomes a tangible thing energized by 'mechanical excellence'In our context here,it is the tangible things moved by mechanical force.

--'L(a)' here should be 'length'.

--'T(a)' oscillates the above two,namely,'Khel' and 'L(a)'.

--Reading all the above points together,we get the image of a supply chain.

The likely impact of the above Manipur-specific case can be gauged by carefully reading my past posts,namely,'The new front',dated 16th March 2021 and "The third front:will it make the tussle between the 'Geo=political player' and the 'Provincial entities' publicly visible",dated 18th March 2021.From there we can easily deduct that the race to assassinate leaders would intensify many fold in the coming days.Their weapon is the mixing of chemicals to the foods and drinks.This mixing of chemicals to the foods and drinks would become so widespread that the whole Manipuri society would be tested.

On the global plane, one innocuous misstep(like the EVERGREEN episode--my last post)would lead to another innocuous but more prolonged episode,then yet to another one.Before anybody can put his finger on it,we may be suddenly presented with a full blown naval blockade of China.

That only means full-blown global-scale war.

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