Monday, April 24, 2006

It seems blogger likes it too!

I mean, my adventures with my brown rice!

I posted it once and blogger had gotten itself to reproduce it into two posts.

I thought of deleting one of them. But I desisted from doing so coz it’s better to let the two of them etched themselves in time –let them proclaim loudly that there is serious user interface flaw in one of the products maintained by those genius in googleplex!

I’m new to blogging itself. But I’ve been into reading blogs for the last ¾ years. I’ve heard some bloggers grumble that MSN Spaces has nearly 20 million (I’m depending on my memory) blogs and so far, not a single hitch in their servers.

But I like Google. I guess that’s an understatement. I’m almost a fan of Google. Someone wrote that Google is most probably building a second internet and I thought what a good idea! Again some other chap wrote that Google had just employed a lobbying agency in the power corridors of Washington and that only meant that something big (read: something really big that’s likely to bust some existing regulations). Great, I said, c’mon, Google bust all the damn regulations of the entire world!!

Don’t you not think that sure sounds like a fanboy?

I’ve this hunch that there is a lot to do with three most visible googlers—Larry Page, Sergey Brin and Marissa Mayer. They all seem to be good souls—inherently good persons. Someone incapable of doing anything bad. Or, not doing anything evil, as they are saying ever so loudly.

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