Thursday, April 27, 2006


My neighbour to the right and also to the left is what we may call stay-at-home-pops! I don’t intend to make mockery of them. They are sitting on hot real estates (as do I) and they can comfortably live off them (as can I). Looking at from another angle, theirs (also mine) is an ideal situation for someone who wants to write.

My point is stay at home pops are becoming acceptable here. (Oh! How I wish it’s just a fad). I personally know so many of them (who, obviously, are not endowed with hot real estates!)—good, educated and smart men.

So, what we are looking at?

I think we are looking at a particular time of the growth (should we simply call it just a journey instead?) of this society where its citizens are in a shock in suddenly finding their mode of making money is not workable anymore. They are in a state of shock. They are silently trying to find out what’s happening to them.

Of course, they are aware of Bangalore. I think it’s the focus of everybody’s attention. They have their neighbours, friends, relatives or, someone they know, who are working and earning well in Bangalore. It’s not the case of making comparison between the two, but rather to say that they are at least aware of a working model somewhere where their kith and kin are capable of taking part as productive and competitive members.

Terming it as a lull before a storm is grandiose—somehow it sends out meaning that they are about to leapfrog to some higher state after the lull.

Rather, we are in a bleak situation. I’m so worried that instead of going forward, we may well fall into the nadir of mass pessimism and ultimately, to depression—dazed by this hyper-competitive and globalised world.

Personally, I’ll be blessed if I’ve an inkling of that part of the dynamics of this society, which if properly attuned, will make this society hold on into its own, come around to stand on its own legs and starts confronting this dizzying world.

That was a rant! Rant of an activist.

More than the rant, there is a slogan as well—



M Mae said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much