Friday, February 20, 2009

The day after

I again spent all day indoors. And I even didn't go out when dusk set in!

Today is the second consecutive day when I got uninterrupte electricity. It went out at around 5 in the evening and came back at around 7. Not bad!

We also got something more--CURFEW.

The police are using public address systems to announce that the curfew starts at 5pm and it ends at 3. Is it 3am or 3pm? I could not hear it properly. I bet it must be 3pm.

I also heard murmurs in the neighbourhood that the other three State Govt employees were also found murdered in different places in Ukhrul district. I could make out only one place where the murdered bodies were found --LITAN.

It's now well passed 9 pm but Ican still hear explosions of mock bombs used by the police to disperse crowd. That means there are mobs roaming on the streets.

The sound of the explosions mainly come from the direction of Uripok.

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