Monday, April 13, 2009

"3 birds"

Can we have a glimpse of the fine-grained offensive(my last post)?

Let's consider this scenario:

The JAC has been infiltrated.

It has been slowly but unobtrusively coaxed to take tiny steps which would have the cumulative effect of infuriating a particular rebel group.

It happened--the particular rebel group reacted sharply on 12th April.

This achieves two objectives:

First, first step has been taken to cripple the JAC--and thus, the agitation for the punishment of the murderers of Dr Kishan and his two subordiante staff.

Second, the particularly rebel group which reacted sharply on the 12th April can now be conveniently blamed for crippling the agitation.

Killing of two birds?

In my mind, it's more than that.

A much fine-grained agenda is to put a wedge between two rebel groups. If we go down a little further we would find one rebel group encouraging the JAC for further agitation and promising all the helps at its disposal.

Now, another rebel group has been made to publicly threaten the lives of the leaders of the JAC.

At this point we must remember that these two rebel groups are the only ones which had managed to form a Joint Co-ordinating Committee(JCC) for the unity of efforts of their two organizations.

So,they are trying to kill "3 birds" at one stroke.

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