Sunday, March 01, 2009

The message from the dirty war mongers

This morning's papers carried the gunning down of a Bihari barber at Uripok. If my guess is right, the place is quite near the house murdered driver of the murdered SDO.

This evening the hawkers selling eveningers were shouting in the streets--'Another Bihari shot death'.

I had not the mood to buy the paper and read it.

But the message is quite--Biharis working in Imphal are also got killed by the Meeteis; so, if some Meeteis who go to Ukhrul for works got killed by the Tangkhuls there, Meeteis should keep quite, just the like the Biharis of Bihar.

They are essentially saying--Pocket the comsensation amounts and accept the job offers for kith and kin and keep quite.

Some people are sending messages trivialising people's lives.

This is hellish.

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