Monday, August 03, 2009

All quiet on every front!

It was late when I tumbled out of bed this morning--around 8. Dutifully, I went straight to my morning chores--toiletting, breakfasting, morning papers,showering. But amidst all thses tasks, I trained my ears towards picking up noticeable sounds from the street, which is hardly 30 feet away. Street sounds are sure barometer of how a bandh is faring. This morning I was trying to pick up one sound--that of 1000cc diesel autorickshaws. They are bandh killers. If noticeable sounds of them were picked up, the particular bandh is a failure.

This morning's decision: All quiet on the street front.

Sure enough, when I ventured out into the street in the evening, I immediately sensed it is one of those rare bandhs in which people in general responded.

When I started walking along the Paona Bazar road, I bumped into several cricket matches! That's not normal. In most bandhs, you would find cricket matches along the governor road or masjid road; but not along the Paona Bazar street itself.

But one thing made my breathing easier--there was no ploice commandos in sight. I said to myself--'Good'.

But when I reached the Uripok police point under the overbridge, I found numerous police commando personnel sitting right there, on mostly, red chairs. They parked their motor bikes right in the middle of the street.

I said to myself--' They sure descended into this world with thicker than average skin'.

I can't imagine why they don't have qualm in showing off their faces in public places at this juncture. There must be serious flaw in what they perceive to be the moral values of mankind.

They sure can have commando units in the police. But every aspiring commando should be packed off to a reputable police academy outside the State for gruel training lasting not several months but sevral years. There they should be inculcated with the idea of what constitute the rule of law, public morality, human rights, duties of protecting public property and life.

I quickly bought an eveninger and headed home.

The paper have a detailed report of how the police had the hard times in controlling bandh supporters,especially in Khurai and Lamsang. But there was not a single report on how the dissident MLAs were planning. Neither the political manouvering in Delhi.

It seems there is a deafening silence on the political front as well.

For a small man like me who have no privileged information, today is the case of "All quiet on every front".

Poor man!

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