Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The flicker of hope

It must be surely more 100 men and women there. May be, touching 150 mark. They were lining up to use the lone SBI ATM in Paona Bazar!

Passing them by, I said to myself--'If so paople start thronging up a lone ATM,they are murderng the essence of an ATM--convenience!'.

But...but, that number paled into insignificance when you had a glimpse what's going at the SBI branch at Paona Bazar.

The branch was not yet open for business. But the queue spilled out from Paona Bazar itself and emptying out itself on to the street beside the flyover.

It was the longest queue I have ever seen in my life!

Is everybody after cash? Or, what? I'm still confused.

But when you reached Khoyathing police point, it was literally what you call the case of 'all hell breaking loose'. The area was so packed with men,women,cars,motorbikes,cycles,cyclerickshaws that you could not find a space to put one 0f your feet a little forward.

It was madness.

I felt pity for the 2 dozen or so traffic police and MR troopers whe were trying to manage the madness.

I freed myself from the mad rush and walked into the Thangal Bazar street. There I found the cars bumper to bumper right upto Sani mandir. I again escaped from there towards Nagamapal Road, thinking that it might be better there.

But there also,there were cars bumper to bumper going in a snail pace all throughout the lenght of the road.

I was walking along the foothpath and I found out that it was a rare chance of seeing all the faces of drivers and riders of so many cars in such a short stretch of a street.

All the faces seemed to be very patient.

No cussing and hollering--usual in a such a traffic snarl.

Suddenly, a thought struck me. Were not the faces inside the cars the faces of men and women determined to play by rules?

Manipur Police commandos are so unruly that the rest of the population start seeing the neccssity of playing by some rules!

Is this the case?

See, we have several days of widespread agitations throughout the State. This time around,all the agitators also seemed to be playing by some minimum rules. No torching of Govt vehicles and offices.

Is this the nature such tumult we are living in right now to lift the population up a higher level of moral standard?

I'll be elated if this is the case.

Now,it's the Manipur Police Commandos's turn to lift themselves up to higher level of moral values and to start practising finer police duties.

But what about the Chief Minster?

Dear Chief Misnister, the first step in lifting yourself up to higher moral ground is to act on what you had said in front of media men of the country--the Judicial Inquiry.

Please cancel the Magisterial inquiry and take immediate steps to institute the Judicail inquiry.

This may yet be your last chance to save yourself from the widespread condemnation you would like be faced in futures to come.

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