Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It was quite a scene.

I had to quickly meet a friend.

This morning,with the curfew knocking at the door from 9 am, I did indeed quickly learn that you cannot do a 'meet- a- friend- quickly' job quickly enough! There are so many a little things involved meeting up with a friend. And with the curfew there I came to learn that they took a lot of time.

It was nearly 8.30 when I managed to reach Khwairamband.Already,everybody was starting to pack up and stores to pull down shutters. I even notices Manipur Police commandos were walking randomly among the elderly women vendors, muttering quitely but with a lot of menace--'Pack up, pack up, before we are forced to snatch away your merchandise'(loisilloko, eikhoina cheikhairaktri-ngeida, loisilloko).

I needed to buy some leafy green ones!

But I was there standing with only the bunch of banana in my hands, mesmerized by the crowd behaviour.'Crisis'is the keyword and it was written largely on everybody's face.

I returned home along the Paona Bazar Road. Just then,Commando Gypsy, with their siren blaring annoyingly loudly, started coming,driving extremely slowly, down the road from the wrong direction. They were breaking the one-way traffic there with smirk faces. They were impeding the movements of people hurrying back home.

It was quite a scene.

And, I have to go without any vegetable today. That's because I am here amidst a 'crisis'.

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