Saturday, February 24, 2007

Making the most of a bandh day

Today we came to face to face with another of those bandh. A Maring lady was dead because of neglect of doctors of the RIMS. She died with her unborn baby. The bandh was called to protest the unethical practice of the doctors.

As if to prepare properly the groundwork for the bandh of the following day, there was sudden black out at around 7 pm last night. It lasted the whole night and the following morning. The electric supply was resumed this afternoon only.

So, I was indoors all throughout the day.

To make most of the bandh, I sat down and wrote down the skeleton of a screenplay.

I’m making two groups of youths of different classes of this society meet and interact in a given situation. I’m going to see if I can produce dramatic moments in this interaction. I’m also going to transplant a real life incident in that interact and try to produce climatic effects.

As I see it now, my major effort will be to prevent the story from veering towards what one calls the ‘art’ or ‘good’ cinema. I want it to be enjoyable by the regular folks. But the class difference in this society is not that stark. It is subtle in the truest meaning of the word. Can I get hold of that subtle hue?

In the evening I went out and bought a fish. It’s most appropriate to close a bandh day by cooking a fish. FISHY!

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