Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Uttam is here!

What’s the point in blogging about an announcement of a concert, even if it happens to be Uttam’s? Before answering this, I must anyway record here the full announcement!

Today, I’ve seen a lot of attractive posters putting up near my house announcing the live concert of Uttam. It says—Kanglasha presents Uttam at BOAT on the 30th of April.

But, what’s the point? For one thing, I’ve just bought some songs of Uttam. For some time now, I’ve been thinking of buying some songs of Imphal artistes but somehow, I could not do that. Whatever I’ve been listening to are from the web. But I strongly feel that I should also regularly add songs bought offline to my playlists. I bought 30 songs—mostly of current hits of films here and some of Uttam’s. I like his songs.

I’ve also this feeling that the concert of the 30th would be one of the main events of the year 2007.

Again, what’s the point? It’s of interest to me because the concert might have publicly confirmed Uttam as the reigning pop singer here. It might also serve as the public announcement that now is the time of Uttam.

This also reminds me of something else. It was during the time just after Yashang. And, my phone was not working at that time and so, I could not blog.

My leikai is atypical in the sense it has not a piece of land for its club to stand on and other functions to be held on. So, for this Yaoshang, when they had to organize a concert, they put up a podium in the riverbanks of Nambul! That means the audience had to stand on the street listening to the songs.

When the concert was in full swing at around midnight, 3 Gypsies of Manipur Police commandos materialized out of nowhere. And, they simply hit the people enjoying the concert with their batons, shouting—‘disperse, disperse’. It was a surreal scene. They quietly came towards the concert area and started hitting people from behind! Of course, there ensued a heated argument between them and leikai’s womenfolk. I felt sorry for the concert organizers.

But they were not to be intimidated! They organized yet another concert the very next day. This time there was Uttam on the stage. That was the first time I ever saw him.

By the time the concert started, all the shops lining the street downed their shutters and so, no light emanated from them. And, as is normal thing here, there is no street lighting. So, the street was quite dark and there they came dancing towards the podium where Uttam was singing and dancing! I mean, most of the young men coming towards the concert site were dancing on the street to the tune of Uttam songs! That was a remarkable scene.

By the time Ranbir Thouna was on the stage, the crowd started to disperse. However hard he tried, the crowd seemed to have no liking for his songs. And, it was quite apparent that he was bitter with the crowd. I felt sorry for him. Sometimes, you have to exit the scene gracefully, making way for the coming reigning king.

It is quite clear the reigning king is Uttam.

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