Saturday, August 04, 2007

The 3rd day of media men's 'Wakat Meepham'

Today marks the 3rd day of media men’s ‘Wakat Meepham’. But it was already announced in the evening that they would resume works from the 5th. Why should they wait for the 5th?

To understand this we have to take note of another announcement of today—this time from the government of Manipur.

The second announcement said that a law would come into existence from today that would not allow publishing of press releases from terrorist organizations, gang outfits or any other entity that stand for the disintegration of the nation or of the State. I think the state government had just promulgated an ordinance for bringing in a new law.

It’s quite clear that the media men negotiated for this promulgation. They seem to think they would need a law to fend off undue pressures from the rebels, who are in the habit of dictating what’s to be published and what’s not to be published.

But it appears that they would not want to make the impression that they are ganging up the government against the rebels. That’s why they have to wait for the 5th to resume their works.

It is quite clear that the rebels have a lot of clout in the state. This is reinforced by the fact that the Chief Minister himself chose to be out of the state when the announcement was made. He flew off in an Indian air force plane for an unscheduled visit to Shillong. The announcement came only after he was out of Imphal.

It seems that nobody wants to be against the rebels.

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