Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Fonts and all other thingies

I want to change, at least, the font of my blog name. But I’ve not been able to do that since the 17th of April. As soon as, I saw my blog for the first time I didn’t like the fonts of the blog name, my name and the locations. Even if it takes some time and I’m completely new to it, I can wade through the html codes. The crucial thing is that I could not (still, can’t) find the font I wanted.

I’ve in my mind the font I want but I can’t remember its name. When I bought my first computer, I regularly used that font. But the computer I’m using right now (my second) have enough word processing and publishing software but they have not got that particular font. They have so fewer numbers of fonts now. It’s certainly a letdown that the newer software should have anything less than the older versions.

And, most of my posts are kinda beta! So many errors crept in that I’m fed up of correcting them afterwards.

But I’m so in a hurry. I never can finish eating my dinner and brushing my teeth before 10.30 pm. I’ve been trying to do that by 10 pm but I simply can’t manage that. So, if you bundle the tasks, of thinking out, and, typing, a post and hobby of reading several blogs in a time frame of one and half hours, you simply become sloppy. Well, I’m not saying this for everybody but I’m certainly struggling.

Typically, when I return home it is nearing 7.30 pm. And I can’t eat dinner by 10 pm because I’ve to cook that dinner. Why?

Because I live alone. Is it such a big deal that I should tell you of this? Personally, I don’t think so.

Besides, it’s not my choice. Both of my parents died at the comparatively younger age of 55 when I was still at college. I’m the only son with four sisters. So, with both of my parents gone, I had to step in as the bread earner of the family. Then, I had to marry off my sisters as well.

My youngest sister married off nearly 3 years back. About that time, all my sisters were hell bent on insisting that I should marry first and then, my sister.

But I had relationship problem then.

Again, it’s not so a big deal that I’m living alone. But one interesting (I’m even willing to term it as ‘very interesting) consequence is in the kitchen. That I’m the only son in the family means that I never cook.

So, when I found all by myself in a big house and a deserted kitchen, I was not encumbered by any tradition of cooking. I cook the way whatever the papers, particularly the Times of India, tell me of what they term the newest and healthiest methods of cooking.

So, is it a need to be less encumbered by a tradition to let in newer ideas fast?

Or, is it that you need to be touched by all other traditions to let the newer ideas in?

Or, is it simply tradition vs. newer ideas?

But today it is becoming too long a post. I’ll so it tomorrow, again in a long post.

So, be sure come tomorrow and listen to me telling you about the brewing revolution in a lonely man’s kitchen!!

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