Friday, July 21, 2006

I'm edgy.

Just read the news headline that there is credible intelligence of another terrorist attack on Mumbai. Even the Assam police are looking into the possibility of a terrorist attack on its busy and crowded Paltan Bazar area. Even in Imphal, I can feel the uneasiness hanging palpably in the air.

I should not fail to note today’s another news item stating that the 13 Muslim youths from Thane district of Maharastra were let off as they happened to be true tablighis ie, the preachers of Islamic ideals in remote areas of the country.

I’m edgy because a lot also are happening here.

It was only on the 18th that Poknapham carried the news story about the arms shipments from the Indian side to the Burmese military. Then, at around midnight of the 18th itself there was a mortar attack on one of the AR posts manning the international border in Moreh. It was reported to be an hour long exchange of mortar and machine guns fires. Five girls living in the vicinity of the AR post were hurt, some of them seriously.

What the Burmese military is saying is that they would accept the freebies as they come along but also ready to let their territories be used to launch attack on the Indian army post along the border. I know there is no morality in international diplomacy but this is definitely sickening.

But this is not the end of the story.

The mortar attack happened at around some half an hour past midnight of the 18th. That means that happened on the early morning of the 19th. Then, on the 20th itself there was a protest by Kuki students against the attack, saying that it was the handiworks of a Meetei insurgent group in connivance with the Burmese military.

I saw a photograph of the protest in Imphal Free Press but the paper in its brief report did not say where the protest took place. From the photograph I can say with certainty that the protest was in Delhi. If that’s the case, see the speed with which the protest was organized. Some very interested parties seem to be in high alert to seize any available opportunity to protest. Very interesting indeed.

The name of the students’ body is Kuki Students’ Democratic Front. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of this body. Note the word ‘democratic’. Because in the banner they were holding it was written that they condemned the attack by UNLF and SLORC. The latter denotes the Burmese military junta and so by associating with a military junta UNLF is not democratic or do not believe in democratic values. They are essentially saying they are a democratic student body but UNLF is not a democratic organization. Isn’t it interesting? It is not definitely just another student protest. A lot is happening here.

UNLF is a rebel group which was accused of carrying the mortar attack.

I think I should say something about what happened some days earlier prior to the mortar attack just to put things in perspective.

I can’t remember it exactly but it must be on the 14th. An AR patrol party in Chingmeirong area shot dead two young men, who, they said, were UNLF cadres. They said that they were shot dead because they were fleeing when asked to stop. But people in the neighborhood said they were executed.

Two days later, the AR post commander at Gate no 2 in Moreh was gunned down in broad daylight.

UNLF said they did the killing but they also said that the youths shot dead some days earlier by AR patrol were not their cadres.

Two days later AR personnel ran amok in Moreh bazaar, beating up innocent people and shutting down shops.

A day or two later another personnel of AR stepped on a bomb planted by the said rebel group and got one of his legs blown off.

Then came the mortar attack and it was not claimed by the rebel group as their attack.

So, did the mortar attack came as an answer to the arms shipment or to the series attacks and counter-attacks? Confusing, isn’t it?

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