Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Two symbols

The best designed house I’ve ever seen in Imphal (may be, in entire Manipur) belongs to a guy who owns and manages 3 nos of ‘Moreh dukans’. I was pleasantly taken by surprise when I first saw the design of his house, which is in the nearby leikai, only separated by a street and another leikai from my house.

I really think that a picture of that house should accompany this post. But all have is an old film-camera. Sure enough, I’ve friends who have, let’s say, arrays of cameras, both still and video. But for some personal reasons, I don’t want of get one those cameras—I mean, at the moment. So, I feel this post is a bit incomplete and I’m still a little helpless at the moment.

You know, people from the upper class and also, intellectuals and high officials of the State, somehow only manage to put up grey boxes as their houses and all of them are eyesores. You may say that I’m making a rather sweeping generalization. But I’ve been to every conceivable nook and cranny of Imphal and I do not come across any beautifully designed house. But this upstart, who hails form Thoubal, have managed to build his first house in a newly bought land—this first house of a ‘Moreh dukan’ owner DO have an extremely refreshing design inputs.

Don’t you sense a symbolic shift, however subtle it may be, in the class configurations of this society?

I know that I may sound a little repetitive here but I think I should not fail to mention the following.

I change a toothbrush for every 30 days. I do not consult a dentist but I read somewhere that you just have to do that. I also suspect that manufacturers also produce toothbrushes to last for only 30 days. Because I notice that, as you approach 30 days on a toothbrush, it begins to deteriorate in its functionality.

I change a toothbrush tonight—that is, a Chinese made toothbrush for another Chinese made one. In using a Chinese made Rs 5/- a piece toothbrush, I find that it is better in quality than those of Rs 15-20 price ranges of Indian made ones.

So, what’s the big deal here? Why should anybody be ready to draw any useful conclusion from the prices and qualities of toothbrushes?

But, wait a minute. You have still to sink yourself a little deeper than the surface and try to sense the great and profound force that is being unleashed in a society not very far where I’m banging away at my keyboards. That force propels its people and factories to produce products with a quality that enable them compete with a comparable, but priced 3 or 4 times than themselves, products in a foreign land.

So, the cheap Chinese goods are symbols of that great unsettling force that is rearing its head not so far away from here.

The two symbols, though one is native to this society and the other, of a foreign land, are feeding one another as they are rolling down their unstoppable paths. I mean, their UNSTOPPABLE paths.

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