Saturday, September 02, 2006

Manipur's digital film is the global leader.

Notice to all naysayer.

It is now proudly proclaimed that Manipur’s digital film is the global leader.

Most of the naysayer keeps telling us that it is not the cinema proper.

Such a small budget?

CD (or, DVD) format?

Now, see for yourself what’s just beginning to happen in USA, the land that produces Hollywood.

This is from Wired. I’m reproducing the first 3 paragraphs so as to lead you to the link expeditiously.

>>Tell us we're brilliant," Mark Duplass says. He and his brother Jay are standing in front of an audience that's just seen The Puffy Chair, a movie the brothers wrote, directed, produced, and starred in. Their euphoria is understandable: The indie film they made has finally been released in theaters, and this is their publicity tour.

The post-screening Q&A session at Mezzanine, a San Francisco club, gets under way, but the first question isn't about the movie's quirky plot (a guy buys an overstuffed recliner on eBay and hauls it cross-country to give to his dad as a surprise birthday gift). It isn't about the shoestring production, either – the $15,000 budget, the crew of one, the free catering by the lead actress's mom. What the audience really wants to know is how these scruffy twentysomething neophytes ever got a distribution deal.

"It was really painful," Mark tells the crowd. "Every studio came to us after the screenings and said, 'We love this movie.' We thought we were gonna be millionaires." The Puffy Chair toured festivals or more than a year, drawing raves and racking up awards. But no studio believed the audience would be big enough, so no theatrical deal. Finally, in January, the brothers were approached by a film distributor that loved the picture and knew exactly how to find an audience for it. But it wasn't Fox or Universal. It was Netflix. <<

Here is the link.

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