Sunday, May 13, 2007

A case of tight fit!

I could get access to the BSNL broadband regime for, may be, 10 minutes this afternoon!

That set me into a thinking jaunt. Mine is a 4th World blog and it is equally fitting that I should blog using a dial up internet access! In another words, it is a case of tight fit!!

As I kept trying to log on to the service, I began to feel that broadband was some kind of misfit here in this society. Ours is a slow-paced society; so, how does a fast internet fit into the picture? But you know I’m bad thinking like this—I should not get this pessimistic.

I’ve been using dial up access for the last 6/7 days. But once you get the taste of faster access, it is a pain in the ass to wait for the pages to load in a dial up mode.

But all is not lost, it seems. I read in the news that one particular book was sold out. A book actually SOLD OUT in this non-reading society!
It was reported that not a single was found in the market. All copies were gobbled up, so to say. So, they are going in for a reprint. I think this calls for a celebration.

The name of the book is ‘Khengjoi ching-sang-da’. It is a travelogue by a journalist who traveled to the Burmese border to meet an important rebel leader. I also did a two-part series translating a piece by an Imphal-based editor. Right now, I’m not in a mood to dig up the archives to give you the link. But I think searching my blog with the keywords ‘Hijam Rajesh’ will fetch up the posts.

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