Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Rains and peoples

It rained all day. Not heavy kind but drizzles.

To top it all, there seemed to be a bandh. I’m confused. We may be seeing a trend of bandh days increasingly becoming more and more like an ordinary day! Normally, there is nobody to enforce the bandh. All they are doing is just announcing a bandh through the media. So, all bandh days are increasingly becoming ordinary days minus the buses carrying passengers. It’s because buses and trucks are the easiest targets for arsonists.

But in the evening, I could not find vegetable to buy. Even on bandh days called by rebels ( meaning, they are more or less successful ones), we can buy anything in the evening.

So, it’s not because of the bandh but of the rain!

I’ve this feeling that rain affects collective psyche of the Manipuris. They seem to be allergic to rains!

When I read ‘My Three Years Experience in Manipur’ by Mrs Grimwood, the passage does not go away from my mind concerns her observation of rains and their effects on the people here. She said if it rains even the most senior, and thus indispensable (in the running of day to day affairs of the State), officers would not report for duties. When they reported for duties the following they would say-“It rained yesterday’—as if it’s the most normal excuse for not reporting for their duties!

So, I kept thinking there must be something funny between rains and the people of this society.

But one fateful day I read a column entitled ‘Letter from Hollywood’ in one of the most reputed weeklies of US. But I’m truly emphatic in underlining that I have no intention of comparing this society with the place from where the letter emanated.

Incidentally, the letter concerns itself with the rains and its effect on the inhabitants of the little planet called Hollywood. To drive home his observations, he supplies a vivid anecdote.

He was in the lobby of a popular watering hole of Hollywood. A car just entered the driveway and a beautiful lady in 500 dollars shoes was just about to embark from the car when it started to rain all of a sudden. She refused to come of the car! Her male companion tried all the tricks he knew to coax his lady to come of the car but to no avail. As a last resort, he drove the car nearly touching the curb of the building and told her to jump! He told her to jump to the curb which would fetch her only some sprinkling of drops of rain and after that, she has all the evening before her!

But she was there inside the car patiently waiting for the rain to stop. But it continued to rain. So, the car reversed and drove away!

So, there seems to be something funny between the rains and the inhabitants of Hollywood. But remember I’ve no intention of making a comparison between the two places in question—I truly do not have that intention!

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