Thursday, May 24, 2007

'No show' storm!

Last night, I was all set to go to my desk for starting up computer when I heard a distant rumble. I went out and tried to make sense of the distant rumbling sound.

Suddenly, it came to me—STORM!

My mind was racing how it came so late—almost a week. It had been forecasting that a storm would hit NE because of an unusual depression in Bay of Bengal.

I went inside and waited for the impact of the storm. It came. With pretty strong winds. But after 10 or so minutes, it was gone! One part of me said ‘Thank God, it was gone’ but another part was rather disappointed with the ‘no show’ storm!!

But during those 10 minutes, Imphal was completely blacked out. For once, I agreed with their decision for blacking out Imphal!

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