Monday, May 07, 2007

The Prologue

Went to see Ratan Thiyam’s play ‘The Prologue’ at the Chorus Repertory theatre.

The Prologue is a bold attempt to re-enact ‘Lai Haraoba’ on stage.

When we go to any Lai Haraoba, we usually are bore with the proper ceremony itself. We are mostly attracted to that stage where the dance programs start. We have generally had a very poor knowledge of what Lai Haraoba is.

So, when the trained artiste of the Chorus Repertory Theatre performed many snippets of Lai Haraoba I could finally understand how exquisite Lai Haraoba is.

But how successful is the play?

Let me answer this by recalling what Aribam Syam Sharma said during one of the gatherings of the film fraternity of Manipur. He told the audience that he had received so many offers to make documentaries on Lai Haraoba and Ras Lila. He turned down all the offers. Why? He answered with a question. How could I make a documentary on the philosophy of life, he asked himself. Or, of Bhakti.

I think Ratan’s play is just a start. Manipur’s society will continue to connect with Lai Haraoba and then, try to re-enact it for many generations to come.

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