Friday, July 20, 2007

A fine conspiracy theory!

Tonight, it feels like a wintry night. It’s not as cold as in the winter but it is cold. You feel like winter is just around the corner.

Hmm..if winter comes, then end of the year is also in sight. Come to think of this—2007 coming to an end! This freaks me out—I’ve not yet done anything worthwhile during 2007.

Why should I feel like this? It’s now just past the middle of the year. May be, it’s because there is a feel of wintry ambience in the air.

Remember the friend of mine who gave me the details about this bird flu stuff? We kind of bumped into each other this afternoon on the road.

It seems that he has a lot of snippets of the bid flu affairs. This afternoon’s snippets have the ring of conspiracy theory all over them! He told me that there is an emergency funds of Rs 3 crores to tackle bird flu as it begins out breaking. A designated vet doc is empowered to utilize the funds without even the concurrence of the director of the Deptt in case the virus is detected. He told me that there was the possibility of the doc aiming for the Rs 3 crores fund. But what about the blood samples which were suspected to test positive?

He told me that the designated doc in question is an active member of Indo Myanmar Friendship Society and he had been traveling to Burma for most part of the year.

My friend actually told me that the farming community here still think that the good doc might have bring back a blood sample of suspected flocks from Burma and got it couriered to Bhopal for testing.

We can understand that the farming community might be in a denial mood right at the moment but this is a pure conspiracy theory.

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