Saturday, July 07, 2007

Time shift!

Is it possible to eat something at around 2/3 in the morning?

People say if we have supper at the latest by 10 pm and breakfast at around 7/8 in the following morning, there is still a gap of at least 10 hours in between. They say it is bad to leave our stomach to fend for itself for even 6 hours without supplying it a refill! They say the trick is to eat something at around 2/3 in the morning. They say some biscuits and water are sufficient. This sounds reasonable to me and I know some people who actually do it regularly as habit.

I try to form that habit but so far, I fail to persuade myself to be awake at around that timing. For one thing I sleep like a log but if I can pull myself up to be awake for sometime to eat something at that hours, I still think I won’t be able to eat anything without first cleaning my tongue and all that things. I’m afraid that doing all that chores would effectively kill off my ‘sleepiness’.

So, tonight I am implementing a time shift!

Usually, I would have my lunch at around 2 in the afternoon. Today, at around 7.30 in the evening I ate a lot of fruits ie, 5/6 hours after my lunch. This means I should have my supper just after midnight, making a gap of 5/6 hours! Then I can have my breakfast around 7/8 the following morning, still maintaining the 5/6 hours gap in between.

Right now, I have already finished making all the preparations for cooking my supper but I’ll start the actual cooking at around 11.30!

Is this freaky?

But most people, most families here have their supper by 8 pm and most probably go to bed by 10/11. The earliest they could manage their breakfast is at around 6 in the following morning. So, there is the minimum of 8 hours gap in between. Is this a good practice?

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