Sunday, April 20, 2008

A sad day

Yesterday, my youngest sister had a crisis.

Her hubby, a minor officer in an engineering department of the State government, was ‘picked up’ by the personnel of the Manipur Police Commandos the night before. They wanted to question him about the details of the ‘percentage money’ which was alleged to have been collected by the controlling officer of my brother-in-law from all the contractors in their department. The commandos accused them of keeping the amount in their custody for further transfer of it to the Naharols.

It was a serious allegation. They even threatened to detain the controlling officer under NSA.

It’s an open secret that such instances happen all the time. But my brother-in-law is still a minor officer and he is still not anywhere near the upper official hierarchy to have anything to do with signing of cheques. So, why detain him?

To use a diplomatese, he has no ‘locus standii’ of the signing of cheques in his department!

But the whole family member lost the whole day yesterday trying to secure his release.

The Police did not press any charge.

From our side also, we did not use any provision of law to secure his release.

Instead, we activated a vast web of ‘connections’ to send out the message to another set of ‘connection’ within the government that he should be released.

The whole day saw the hectic efforts by educated, capable and well-meaning men and women trying to side stepped the established laws. This is totally alarming. Our society is not run by established laws but by innuendos and influences.

He was released at around 8 pm. But when I returned at around 9, I was so freaked out by the day long exercises of sidestepping established laws that I could not do anything worthwhile.

I felt sad.

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