Saturday, June 06, 2009

C'mon, politicians

The State Director General of Police actually told some 'select' mediamen that 'the people of Manipur know who are behind the students organizations'.

I'm confused. It's unmistakably 'politics speak'.

Why should a police chief speak like that?

Ideally, he should have told the media that the State Executive felt that some 'roughies' are instigating the students organiations and the police is invesgating.

It's the police job to investigate, collect evidences and punish the culprits according the laws. If police starts acting like politicians, we are serious trouble.

Why should he make it 'select' mediamen?

I read the prominently front-paged story 2 days back. I read most of the papers that day and I could find it only on a single paper. I tried to find if other papers carried a day later. Not a single paper did so.

I bet that some politicians are instructing the police chief to spread out the words that rebel groups are intigating the students organizations. But why should not they themselves do it?

The military deployment in Manipur is on a much larger scale than that is currently deployed by the Western world in Afghanistan. And, as another part of the twin strategy, crores of Rupees are pouring in as 'development projects'.

Still, the politicians are working from a terribly consticted space.

Why is that so?

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