Sunday, June 21, 2009

Two stories

I went to a marriage yesterday. When I received the invitation card, there was no mention of 'Heijingpot'. I thougth there must be some disagreements with the bride's side and all the rituals and ceremonies would be a groom's side affair.

When I went there it surprised me to find out we were going to bride's place.

Marriage without 'heijingpot'.

I think it's a good sign that people start accepting such practice. If some people want marriage with 'heijingpot' it is also ok. But if some poor people want their marriage with less pomp like the 'heijingpot' it should also be acceptable to the society.

I mean if some members of society want to go with the bare basic of marriage ceremony it should be broadly acceptable.

In related matter, my soster told this story.

In Delhi, recently, one of her relatives decided that going to Imphal for would unnecessarily burn a lot a cash. Like maony spent on painting and decorating both the houses of the bride and groom. So, they decided to ask their parents to come to Delhi instead.

Now that Delhi has a sizable Manipuri population also helps. There are people for attendance in the ceremony and so, only the parents are needed!

The moral of the story is that they save a lot of money!!

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