Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My little niece and the dress code

When the little daughter of one of my sisters first saw her eldest aunt just coming down from Delhi,she quitely went to mom's ear and whispered-- 'Would you ask this 'che che' to bring a pointed shoe for her?'

She thought her eldest aunt was a 'che che' because my eldest sister was in a salwar Kameez.

She was properly imprinted with the idea that all the married women should be either in a phanek or a sari(half-sari,isn't it?).

The scene with me little niece was hillarious but it made me think about the state of dress code for married women in our society.

What's the use of this code?

Do people expect the woemnfolk here to bring out an aura of 'class' when they strictly adhere to their dress code?

This is the only reasonable ground for the dress code,if one is forced to think out one.

Otherwise, the dress code only serves to supress womenfolk by male-hierarchic society. Suppression. Period.

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