Saturday, June 17, 2006

My plan for the 18th June celebration

I’m thinking of trying to live blog the 18th June celebration at Kekru Pat if any internet café around it opens for business on that day. That will be extremely interesting if I can find an internet café overlooking the celebration site. But I also think that all the business establishments will be closed on that day.

Then, I’ll shuttle back and forth between the celebration site and my house and try to give you as many updates as possible as the celebrations proceed.

As the day is also a Sunday I’ll take a complete break from my normal routine and concentrate on blogging the celebration. I must inform you that it will be my first visit to a 18th June celebration so far.

In the morning I’ll take a bath and a quick breakfast and head for Kekru Pat. For lunch I’ll sample how they cook beef around that part of Imphal.

Eating out and blogging!

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