Friday, June 09, 2006

My poor blog

So, what has happened to my blog?

It looks like somebody tried to mess up with the appearance of my poor blog. And, that’s possible only after logging into my account at Blogger. Is there also a phenomenon called ‘hacking into blog’?

Between the post of the 7th and last night’s 16 minutes of internet, I had no chance of going online and making changes in my blog. So, what’s happening here?

Or, is it that my repeated attempts to publish the post last night somehow resulted in the altered settings of my blog? I don’t know but if that’s a possibility it sounds very weird to me.

This afternoon itself I knew something had gone wrong with my blog. But my first reaction was ‘how’ to undo the error. Should I click on the ‘return to default’ button?

I’ve been trying to think a way out of the mess since this afternoon.

Most of the time, before I started keeping this blog, error 691 came up flashing on the screen, when attempting to log onto the network, only once or twice a month. In my experience, it seemed to happen on the night of the last Saturday of every month. That is understandable as some of way of undertaking maintenance of their network, their servers etc.

But, now it seems to be happening on every alternate day. It is truly alarming because I’m planning a lot of works which will need going online most of the time. And, Imphal has no other ISP!

Now, I’m going into my blogger account and to click on the ‘return to default’ button.

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