Thursday, June 22, 2006

My recurrent dreams

Last night, I had one of the recurrent dreams of mine.

One is about the scenes of the backyard of my childhood house. That’s the one I saw last night. Most of the time, I would forget something and try to get it by opening a door. Once the door is opened, I would be standing there confronted with the vistas of the backyard of my childhood house. Like you are traveling back in time in one of those sci-fi movies. There would not be any people in the dream—only the scenes.

There were all the elements of the backyard of my childhood house—the guava tree there and the mango there tree nearer to me and that pomegranate tree in between. I could even see the little mounds around the feet of the trees to prevent water logging there—exactly as they were in the real life.

These dreams, invariably, made me awaken in the middle of the night and I always muttered—‘oh! What a beautiful scenes!!’

Now not even a single is there. All were cut down to make way for constructions. Not even a backyard.

And this morning I was flooded with memories, especially of my mother.

I will skip the sad ones and tell you about those which are of lighter veins.

As I remember her, she never did watch a Hollywood picture, though she did have her fair share of Hindi films. So, when she saw a moving blonde in drama series in cable TV, she actually giggled. But she was hooked to a particular drama series which have a blonde character whose antiques she simply loved. We always thought that the blonde reminded her of her eldest daughter. I’m not saying that my eldest sister is the stuff of the stars are made of—but as a person the character actually looked like my sister. And my mother always missed my sister because, after her high school in Imphal, she was in Benares for 7-8 years getting her masters degree there. Just after getting her degree she decided to get married and she spent barely 3-4 months at home readying for her marriage. After the wedding, the couple went off to Delhi and they settled there. And there must be something especial about the first born child—this must be true for every parent, I suspect.

And, can you imagine what’s her comment like when she first saw Tom Cruise on TV? I think it must be a telecast of Oscar night and as soon as, she saw the close up of Tom Cruise, she said—‘Oh! He has such a beautiful mouth!!’

It’s funny I still vividly remember her saying that!

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