Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Getting crazier

It’s getting crazier.

Poknapham said yet other truckloads of armament rolled into Burma from Moreh on the night of 6th August. It was at around 8 pm and people there saw the trucks speeding into Burmese territory, with their head lights turned off completely.

Poknapham carried the news item on the front page of its 7th of August edition.

The report did not mention the no of truckloads that went into the Burmese side that night.

But the interesting thing is that it mentioned another number. 125 trucks.

Poknapham is very specific about this. On the month of July the number of consignments of arms and ammunitions to the Burmese Army was 5. And for this current month the number is 3. The total consignments delivered to the Burmese Army in the months of July and August stand at 8 and the total military trucks involved in all the consignments are 125 nos.

It can be safely said that 125 truck loads of military hardware and weapons are quite considerable. They are substantial delivery of armaments if we remind ourselves that the recipient of those armaments is none other than the acknowledged pariah of the international community.

Here again Poknapham is very specific. It said the all the armaments are meant for the North West Tenth Command of the Burmese Army based in Moiwa. For the efficient delivery of the armaments, they even opened an artery camp is Kalemyo. From there the trucks are taking a new route towards Moiwa via yeji road which was constructed and opened to traffic only recently.

Poknapham wrapped up the story saying the arms shipments were also reported by BBC and DVB (Democratic Voice of Burma).

But what really stood out in the news item was when it was mentioned that some Indian military officers were actually posted in Kalemyo to oversee the smooth transfer the armaments. It mentioned that there were a lot military movements in and around Kalemyo.

The strategy seems to be keeping in touch with Burmese Army under any pretext. I mean, under any pretext. This can be construed as a practical manifestation of the notorious Indian dictum-‘We agree to disagree’. Even if we are unlikely to agree on any point we are determined to keep on talking! (Beware, Mr Muivah!!). So, put some officers inside Burma, under any pretext and try to talk, talk and talk!

Better still, it can be construed as a military dharma necessary for engaging a notorious military junta. Military dharma—it’s a nice concept!

If dharma commands who is not going to obey?

Let's say it--CHANAKYA-ESQUE!!

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